Tackling the real issues right here!
Tackling the real issues right here!
I’d imagine you could get a decent bludgeoning wrench for around that at a pawn shop. Doesn’t need to be super functional. A pipe wrench in need of some rehabilitation would work nicely.
Yeah me too. It goes back to your threat level. How likely is it that someone is going to break into my home to steal my desktop all James Bond-like? The answer is, “not very.” Anything mobile has a significantly higher probability of falling into the wrong hands. These things are encrypted. Even the very old laptop that never leaves my house is encrypted because it could.
Feels like this could be helped immensely by a blurb at the top of his GitHub page pointing to a gofundme to help pay for a lawyer. If the case has legs, settle and move forward. If not, it should be trivial for an IP lawyer to get dismissed.
Yeah, I got a little confused there!
On iOS, I uninstalled the app and use Brave for YT & if I need to get on Reddit.
It breaks large uploads into smaller chunks. If you’re hosting behind a reverse proxy and using cloudflare, there’s I think a 100MB upload limit. Can pose a problem for importing some videos.
Chunking and the ability to rotate an image. I guess those features aren’t sexy.
Strangely, I deleted them and reuploaded. Now they display fine. Might need to play with this a bit more.
This is a criminally underrated tip. Liquor boxes are seriously sturdy, and the size keeps you from overpacking them.
Also, I started with a pi, added a synology (a NAS is a game changer), and then moved almost all services off the synology to a Beelink S12 pro. Recently upgraded the S12 to 32GB of memory, and I have a 2tb ssd upgrade I have to do soon. All of this is over the past 2-years.
Two sites that really helped me get the basics of docker compose were Marius hosting and Dr Frankenstein’s docker guides. Both are focused more on synology, but the docker stuff works anywhere.
ETA: linuxserver.io is pretty handy, too.
Once I pick one, I’ll probably set up a regular donation. I should also probably drop some $$ towards the other projects since I’ll probably keep an eye on them.
Agreed, iCloud Photos is pretty nice. I almost gave in when they added the AI features and text recognition. Unfortunately, my library started having some stability issues. Was finally, hopefully, able to resolve those yesterday.
Still, one of the nice things about most of the photo hosting apps is they store photo metadata properly - in sidecar files. If they go tits up, and you maintained your metadata you really haven’t lost much. If the Photos DB gets corrupted, you’re going to lose data that would otherwise have been stored in those sidecar files. IMO this is a glaring omission on Apple’s part. I get that having all that info in a database makes larger libraries perform better, but por que no los dos?
Ah, i didn’t see ente’s self hosted version. The instructions look kind of strange. Will need to look into it more.
I’ve looked at ente, but honestly don’t see the point unless I want to stop paying for iCloud storage (which for the time being I don’t).
I’ve seen some examples where Caddy can do some cool stuff (I think the example I saw recently was defining routes that can call an arbitrary program with the HTTP request details).
I guess this is what I was getting at. From what I can tell, at their core, both do pretty much what Swag is already doing for me. Was mainly curious about additional functionality I hadn’t thought of. Most of what I’ve done so far is stuff I hadn’t thought of until I saw it mentioned here, reddit, or in the linuxserver list.
Damn! I missed that one. Working now. Thanks!
Won’t connect on either port using http or https.
For sure, but the cartoon specified a wrench.