it’s basically just the latest firefox without the proprietary stuff, google services, and telemetry. i’ve never had an issue :)
sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum. renn faire enjoyer. theatre kid. squishmallows enthusiast. taylor swift lover era appreciator. marisha ray defender. houseplant addict. multiple social accounts haver.
it’s basically just the latest firefox without the proprietary stuff, google services, and telemetry. i’ve never had an issue :)
i wasn’t as plussed as everyone else over it, though i am concerned. i still donate to mozilla as, ultimately, i believe they’re still good for those who champion an ethical, open, and not for profit internet.
i have switched to librefox, though, just because i like their developers and the fact that they’ve embraced mastodon and the fediverse. i also have firefox and nightly (though i use fennec on android because it comes through f droid)
im very lazy now but i used to use tyrande, shandris, and then rotate around any other kalimidor/kaldorei places and people because when i played warcraft i was obsessed with night elves
Why would you use a domain tld operated by Google (or any American company) for piracy of sports?
Like Americans care more for sports dollars than they do saving kids dying in school shootings
I mean, they are focusing on their constituents in this case.
The ones who pay they millions of dollars in “campaign contributions”
i still see it in my peers list
Saving this thread since I’m looking into this too for my family :)
Jellyfin is great but, to be fair, anything is better than Plex.
how do they compare with infomaniak? i was looking to move from aws to an eu solution.
i don’t buy audible anymore but i had a sizable library from before and this works great!
So they’re inconsiderate assholes and leeches.
I don’t know if it’s good or not but I just created a library in Jellyfin pointing to my Media folder that I download torrents to. It’s probably not the same as what you’re doing since it’s my regular desktop but it works for me.
My next goal is to get an actual home server so I can let my parents view my jellyfin too.
I remember being obsessed with this podcast, too, if you’re interested (I believe it started with the third season)
They only had a Twitter and FB, so there’s not really a website to link to. I don’t know if it still works but it was pretty fun back in the day.
Ooh I never thought to use the priority more! I’m doing that today!
Hm, interesting. I didn’t bother with a personal router for the longest time (aside from an old Linksys I got because it works with ExpressVPN) because I have fibre optic but I might go out and look for one now.
hello fellow clonecluber <3
regardless, this would be a good time for countries to strengthen laws protecting against foreign ownership of media companies and heavily regulating foreign media companies operating in countries instead of opening up the floodgates and letting american companies control the culture.
You don’t keep a DVR-R of Ubuntu with a 16 digit key written on it in sharpie?
they could have at least put a link to the torrent in the press release