One of the coolest distros, ever. It’s like a mix of Alpine Linux and Slackware without dangerous firmware payloads.
One of the coolest distros, ever. It’s like a mix of Alpine Linux and Slackware without dangerous firmware payloads.
No one thinks this. Even permissively licensed BSD operating systems package GPL software and accept it as Free Software.
but their “final goal” is to switch the kernel to BSD (i.e. away from copyleft)?
HyperbolaBSD is a hard fork, that relicenses the OpenBSD kernel as GPL (as permitted by permissive licenses.) HyperbolaBSD has already dug into the OpenBSD source tree and discovered numerous licensing issues. https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/documentation/todo.git/tree/openbsd_kernel-file-list-with-license-issues.md
HyperbolaBSD will be a truly libre distro that takes advantage of copyleft, while moving away from the major issues Linux is stepping into too.
BSD is on its death bed
Considering OpenBSD and NetBSD have had two new releases just this year, and how well funded the BSDs are by major corpos who like ripping source code, I think their so called “Deaths” have been majorly overstated.
Give a BSD a try, it’s a lot less like shoving systemd/apache2/red hat together and reading 300000 line long config files with documentation that clearly was never intended to be read and more like using an actual operating system designed to be cohesive.
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