+1000 for Lyrion. Easily the best experience I’ve ever had with streaming music
+1000 for Lyrion. Easily the best experience I’ve ever had with streaming music
150,000 track collection owner here.
CDs are king, but the cost adds up. A lot of artists I follow are on Bandcamp, which I use to purchase my music. I assume everything I buy there will eventually be removed, so I don’t rely on them for archiving it.
But then, there’s the piracy route, which I do for a good portion of my library. Rutracker is absolutely fantastic for lossless. Soulseek is solid, but you gotta use it in a smart way for some releases. Some keywords don’t turn up any results for some reason. So, to find certain albums/artists, try searching for a particular song, then browse by folder on those results to find full albums, if that makes sense.
Why not use Qobuz or Deezer to rip music? Qobuz-dl and Deemix let you rip FLAC from those services if you have a streaming acct. I use Deemix with my Deezer acct to download a TON of music I cant find anywhere else.
Its a lot of work, I agree. But it’s doable. At this point, as services get shittier, pirate. They need to learn that as their services get shittier, people will leave. Give them a financial reason to get better ;)
Deemix has a container that has a WEB UI
For whole-home audio, be sure to look at Lyrion! Formerly Logitech Media Server, it’s now a community-managed project. It’s easily the best open-source whole-home audio solution out there