I get that Sixel is old AF but is there a new standard or is it just an open sea of fragmentation where everybody picks some branched attempt at doing the same thing and rolls with it instead?
I get that Sixel is old AF but is there a new standard or is it just an open sea of fragmentation where everybody picks some branched attempt at doing the same thing and rolls with it instead?
This happened almost 5 years ago. Question is, has piracy boomed since?
I actually really enjoy GIMP as an alternative to Photoshop. My biggest problem with it is that Photoshop keybinds are muscle memory, and for whatever reason GIMP has everything totally different so I almost always end up having to hunt down what I’m after.
I’ve heard there are ways to get it 1:1 but I’ve never been able to figure that out. Admittedly, I haven’t looked too hard either.
I used to like Ubuntu, but I got so sick for not being able to do things due to packages being out of date, and/or snaps getting in the way.
I ditched it for arch and I’m so much happier
They nailed the retro-futurism aesthetic with that window UI
I’d love to download all the shit that’s been pulled off Netflix since I’ve been a customer.
They pulled their content,
thus they don’t want my money,
thus there should be 0 qualms in me re-acquiring their content.