Thanks for the additional info.
Thanks for the additional info.
Just being supported as a protocol doesn’t mean everything is done. Chromium probably didn’t have it until years after that, and operating systems may not have implemented it umtil more recently.
Screen sharing infrastructure (for Wayland) in Linux was still in development recently. Maybe they just wanted to be able to use newer APIs?
Most of the lowercase abbreviations are just the names of device drivers or platforms. VK is just Vulkan, GL is OpenGL, ARB is “Architecture Review Board” as its sort of a preview or extension feature I think. EXT presumably for extension. KHR is Khronos, the organization that creates the Vulkan and OpenGL standards, and the acronym apparently means it’s “Khronos-approved”. https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#extensions
I wish there was something nice like that too.
In the server world that would usually involve doing something like sending the journal data to Elasticsearch using an Elasticsearch integration. But that involves setting up an Elasticsearch server and Kibana and so on which is very unwieldy for a desktop computer. It does work pretty well though in terms of filtering. But it also stores the data internally in indexes to speed up search.
Of course journald has a seemingly simple C API but writing code is a lot of work. There are probably API bindings for various languages.
I also don’t know if there’s any Linux program that will automatically do the configuration for you.
It seems like it would be pretty complex since I guess you need to disable the linux host from using the GPU, and do PCI passthrough in a VM that has Windows installed.
And there’s still the problem of the graphics needing to move around the system in order to get to the display instead of the display being directly connected to the GPU.
Seems like a pretty cool thing that would be neat to have a nice automated GUI solution for.
I was just looking at, seems like it’s difficult but not impossible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTWf5D092VY
I’m in the same boat that it seems too difficult (and I bet the performance still isn’t near native).
I just dual boot and boot into Windows if I’m going to play a game.
Tor and Tails merge to support western intelligence
For images, you can use a photo library application like digikam and set tags on the files, which are saved both to a relational database and to the photo metadata inside the image file. For other file types I don’t think there’s anything standard.
I think it might store tags in linux file system xattrs so other software (or scripts) could access and index it.
I guess it switched desktop environments on you? If you’re logged out there’s supposed to be a way you can switch between desktop environments. It makes sense that the GNOME Settings app would only change wallpaper settings for GNOME, which I think is the main Ubuntu desktop environment.
Could it be this bug?: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-Reverts-Special-Char-Uni