my money is on vi or vi derivates.
my money is on vi or vi derivates.
There are support table on asahi wiki. For example, here is the support page of M2: https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/wiki/M2-Series-Feature-Support
It is missing thunderbolt, touch id, video decoder, video encoder, DP alt mode, pro res, PCIE etc.
Then if you care about the artists being compensated fairly, you can CD+rip; if not, streamrip/torrent will produce a lot less waste and much more convenient.
TBH most big names are millionaires anyway, I probably would care much more about my convenience than them getting paid 5 bucks for all my troubles.
bandcamp is great! you can just pay and download music in whatever format (flac, wav, mp3), no questions asked.
They don’t have the Taylor Swifts of the world, but most indy bands and artists are on there, which is good enough for me.
For classical music, there is presto music, but their download experience is not as straight forward as bandcamp IMO.
fedora atomic desktops (silverblue, kinoite, and derivatives like bluefin etc) are really great. They are as up-to-date as fedora, with an additional layer of stability provided by its atomic and image based nature.