4 months agoI don’t use autotools anymore for any of my private projects. It’s plain Makefiles for me simple and easy. But I usualy only target Linux.
Ehemalige DSA-Figur, die es irgendwie geschafft hat, eines Menschen Pseudonym im Internet zu werden.
Former TDE character who somehow managed to become one mans pseudonym on the internet.
I don’t use autotools anymore for any of my private projects. It’s plain Makefiles for me simple and easy. But I usualy only target Linux.
Really hope they find the caller and bring him to court. I mean both streamer and police are the victims here.
At least it hasn’t been a actual SEK unit (SWAT in Germany) they look more like normal patrol officers. But nevertheless it’s unacceptable.
While some of the arguments are true, this blog post mainly reads like an ad for hyperland and it propably is just that.