With both Gitea and Forgejo, sometimes you need to hardcode the action URL, like:
With both Gitea and Forgejo, sometimes you need to hardcode the action URL, like:
Does docker, pypi, apt, ansible galaxy, etc. I use it at work as part of our undercloud for OpenStack. It’s the go-to for StackHPC, too.
That’s a fair take. The pricing model has changed dramatically since I last looked at it, but at the same time, the dev has obviously put a lot of thought into these changes, so I find it difficult to fault him. He’s gotta make a living somehow.
In general, if someone has more than one Proxmox node to manage, chances are they’ve got some type of homelab, which isn’t exactly the cheapest hobby out there to begin with. If XPipe enhances their experience, I’d say that’s worth a few bucks. If not, they can always git gud in the terminal and do the legwork themselves, but time = $, so…
It’s a free tool that is relevant to a lot of users in both of those communities, and because of the support from those communities, the author was able to pivot to working on xPipe full-time. That’s no small feat for a solo dev, and I for one appreciate seeing these updates.
If you decided to devote all your time and energy to a project that was supposed to pay your bills, would you just sit and twiddle your thumbs thinking “if you build it, they will come”? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not sure if it’d fit your use case 100%, but this has been a nice middle ground solution for LE certs in my lab: https://www.certwarden.com/
My preferred way of solving this is to run a PowerDNS cluster with DNSDist and keepalived. You get all the redundancy via a single (V)IP.
Technitium is probably more user friendly for greenhorns, though… and offers DHCP too. Beats pihole by a mile.
Wezterm is my primary. Love the built-in domain/sshmux features, especially for work. The LUA config rocks, sky is the limit. Highly portable when using something like Chezmoi or YADM.
That said, it’s not always the most performant, especially with certain TUIs. I’ve been running my NVim workspace in Kitty lately just to avoid the minor UI lag (primarily with lazygit). Not a fan of Kitty (or its dev) otherwise, but it serves its purpose.
If Wezterm ever gets optimized, it’ll be the GOAT for me.
Ghostty also sounds like it’s got potential, but haven’t gotten my invite yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, yeah, thats why I’m saying if the action isn’t available directly from Forgejo, just write out the full action URL like the example in my last comment and pull it directly from GitHub. Most/all of the actions you’re pulling from Forgejo are originally forked from GitHub anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯