Is there a way to change the torrent client’s name\version so you appear in a list of seeds as Mark Zuckerberg?
human garbage
Is there a way to change the torrent client’s name\version so you appear in a list of seeds as Mark Zuckerberg?
I faced that only with different editions of Windows limiting it by itself.
Does DSP mean we would be able to average\limit the gain on them? Some creators master audio too conservative when the others try to blow ones ears from one’s head.
I don’t know how it works with a frequently updating OS. In my mind beaurocrats can become asses about certifying one exact version they inspected and then making users afraid that open source community can inject the next version with viruses and they can’t be sure it’s okay too. Ah, and making each certification a paid service and somehow fucking it up.
In Russia there are like two projects of local Linux with custom wine that you can buy just like other software, certified by FSB for sensitive business (I believe them being the first pieces of software to get it except specific cryptographic stuff), but I feel the reason it’s getting adopted and certified is because there are some nepotism and illegal connections with money not really changing pockets.
I see it generating less work for the helpdesk than Windows currently does. Linux can hardly brick itself without root while Windows can and has a lot of bloat and problems occuring on random on identical PCs. It also works fine on HDD and with less than 8GB of DDR3 RAM, so older hardware won’t become garbage that quick. And since users aren’t yet familiar with any Linux, there is a 5 year lag between deployment and when average users would start to dig in settings and customization parameters fixing\breaking things themselves like they do on their home machines.
It’s investing in your own working future.
Russian edu is kinda conflicted due to the push of leaving Microsoft (they stopped licensing openly by now) to alternatives, that’s not going well with anyone but IT students I guess. But if these institutions would switch, they’d pick some closed down and paid wreck like Astra Linux. Going from bad to worse.
It helps that the new head of design for both of these products is a guy who really knows his shit. He’s already taken MuseScore from an application that nobody in their right mind would use if they could afford the commercial competitors, to a legitimately great music engraving application, and he’s been on Audacity too since 2021.
I tried Audacity before that and couldn’t migrate from adobe’s aquired CoolEditPro (Au versions before modern redesign). Have it changed much since then? I’m yet to find an alternative (video editing tools just doesn’t make it, although they get recommended) and as I can recall Audacity had an interface that’s not as easy to use.
Indians are present in big numbers on reddit and other websites due to how populated India is, how english is popular there and that they aren’t contained in national platforms like their chinese neighbors. It makes them noticeable for bigots to single them out and target. Just because they want someone to hate and laugh at to up their self-esteem.
It’d certainly encourage me to up my torrenting game so this shit appears 24\7 at rather weird uploads around the globe.