Each disk needs at least one partition, but it can contains multiple partitions.
The boot disk needs to contain at least one partition (because of the way booting works), for the rest they’re optional.
Each disk needs at least one partition, but it can contains multiple partitions.
The boot disk needs to contain at least one partition (because of the way booting works), for the rest they’re optional.
If you can afford it see if Eaton has a smaller tower UPS suitable for you.
Performance of the snapdragons is roughly that of an i7 from a decade ago - so yes, it’s a good machine for office tasks and light development, but in no way suitable for gaming. That’s not a Windows problem, though, just the hardware is not suitable for that.
I’ve been using an Arm notebook with Windows for over a year now (not as main system, but development system for a customer project). I’m running a lot of x86 software (like Emacs) as a gcc port for Windows/Arm is being developed only now - with no problems. It integrates nicely into the native stuff - which is one area where you run into issues on the Mac: If you start a shell in rosetta it’s annoying to make calls to native arm binaries.
The only issue I ran into were some drivers not available for Arm - emulation layer (unsurprisingly) just is for userland, not kernel drivers. Also x86 emulation isn’t working well if Windows is running in a virtual machine on MacOS - but supposedly that’ll be fixed in the upcoming Windows release.
All of this only applies to Windows 11 - if for some reason you decide to run Windows 10 on Arm you’re in a world of pain.
Windows 11 has pretty good x86 emulation, both 32 and 64bit - imo better than what macos does with rosetta. Windows 10 for arm is just a pretty broken tech preview, though.
Almost a decade ago there was a discussion how to draw into display buffers for Wayland. Everybody agreed on using Mesa GBM, nvidia wasn’t really interested, but said they’d do EGLstreams.
As nvidia wasn’t interested, and generally is a dick to everybody anyway Wayland development just progressed ignoring nvidia, and now they have to catch up to where all the other graphics driver were at already years ago. While ignoring most of the things those others learned, because they want to keep their own tiny proprietary island.
Just avoid supporting nvidias dickish behaviour by not giving them money, and eventually they might learn and change.
zypper remove --clean-deps removes automatically installed requirements when removing a package. zypper packages --unneeded will show a list of packages no longer required.
Setting solver.onlyRequires to true in /etc/zypp.conf does not install recommends - it’s way less of a problem than on Debian/Ubuntu due to not recommending half the world, but still useful. Setting solver.cleandepsOnRemove will automatically remove automatically installed deps when removing a package (i.e., like always specifying --clean-deps).