To be fair, if you set up a Servar stack, you should already know enough not to use utorrent.
The only good authoritarian is a dead authoritarian.
Follow me on Mastodon: Unwillingly observing the end of democracy
To be fair, if you set up a Servar stack, you should already know enough not to use utorrent.
Commenting to additionally note that Dockers can be found for both torrent and usenet clients that already have their traffic routed through glueton without further work. I use the Binhex versions of SABnzbd and qBittorrent. You just gotta put in your VPN info.
That’s an odd thing to see these days. I didn’t know ISPs still did that. I bet they offer a more expensive tier for businesses is why.
Literally anything you want. You don’t need a static IP, any dynamic IP with a software updater will work. For example, I have some public sites proxied through Cloudflare, and I use the DDNS updater for Docker that keeps my DNS correct.
If you had read the OP, they don’t want the scrapers using up all their traffic.
If you’re looking to stop them from wasting your traffic, do not use a tarpit. The whole point of it is that it makes the scraper get stuck on your server forever. That means you pay for the traffic the scraper uses, and it will continually rack up those charges until the people running it wise up and ban your server. The question you gotta ask yourself is, who has more money, you or the massive AI corp?
Tarpits are the dumbest bit of anti-AI tech to come out yet.
Yes, that’s exactly what it is. Some TVs can’t handle DV. There’s nothing you can do about it either, other than avoid anything with it.
No, that issue can happen on Jellyfin as well, because it’s happened to me. But that was before I used the Trash guides to set up Sonarr/Radarr so that Dolby Vision files were never fetched.
You’re forgetting that they’re a rich corporation, and you’re not. They’ll get away with the defense, but even if it set a precedent, copyright groups can still sue you until you’re broke to make an example of you, even if you didn’t legally do anything “wrong”.
As long as you can sue someone for any reason without repercussions, then it’s always going to be the people with more money who come out on top. Always. Wining a lawsuit doesn’t mean you’re not still financially destroyed and driven into poverty for the rest of your life.
If you disable networking, nothing can “ping home”. It didn’t ping anything, it opened the default program on your computer for using the web and passed a website request to it. That’s standard behavior.
For me currently, it’s the C-drama Flourished Peony. I tend to watch more K-dramas usually, but this one is pretty good so far.
Set in the Tang Dynasty, the story follows He Wei Fang, a merchant’s daughter skilled in cultivating rare peonies. With the help of Jiang Chang Yang, an official in Chang’an, she leaves a marriage of convenience and starts a business cultivating peonies. Together, they establish a flower shop, empowering women with difficult pasts and creating a thriving brand.
As He Wei Fang witnesses the struggles of the poor, she transforms the industry to benefit the people, all while aiding Jiang Chang Yang in his mission to serve the country. Their bond deepens into a secret love. After overcoming a rebellion together, they retreat to live in harmony with nature.
BUT WAIT, there’s more! binhex also packages quite a few other popular services, including others that are wrapped up nicely in a VPN. Including, but not limited to, SABnzbd for those of us who use Usenet! There’s also the full suite of Servarr apps, for all your sailing needs on the High Seas! Just give “binhex” a quick search on the Unraid community apps app, and enjoy!
Buy now for the low low low introductory price of only what it costs you in electricity to run your home server, and kiss your Netflix subscription and Hulu ads goodbye!
*offer not available on all Lunar colonies. May or may not cause nonstop binging of dramas you’re too embarrassed to tell your friends you watch.
Well you’re in fucking luck then buckaroo, because a fellow humansperson that goes by the nickname binhex has you all wrapped up and ready to fedex. Now strap yourself in and point your Unraid apps to a little gem I like to call binhex-qbittorrentvpn, mostly because that’s also what they call it.
It’s gonna give you a qBittorrent docker that’s already integrated with OpenVPN and Wireguard. All you gotta do is give it the proper info for your VPN, and away you go!
Then it doesn’t really matter, does it? If the traffic is only going over your local network, then the only people who could sniff said traffic would already have pwned your entire network, and using SSL would be pointless anyway.
An old Dell workstation that I stole from a corporate job I used to work. I stole a few of them, actually, and used the parts from the others to upgrade one of them. For a computer that would probably not be able to run Minecraft, I now have a headless home server that uses the Servarr suite to fetch and stream media from Usenet to all the devices on my network. It works so well, I have it running an Audiobookshelf server as well, loaded up with books I get from MAM.
As long as you’re renting from somewhere outside your country, it doesn’t really matter what payment method you use.
Hoarder does not have that option, sadly. It would be nice if it did, but the link database is stored on the server you host it on, and the background service that screenshots the site and gets tags for it needs to be online. Without being exposed to the internet, Hoarder won’t do you any good.
Here’s a screenshot for proof, so you know I’m not making it up.
I used to have Yuzu, but reformatted my Deck after the DMCA, and I don’t wanna bother compiling Yuzu myself. So I switched to Ryujinx.
It’s not impossible to pirate without a VPN, just use Usenet. Until a couple months ago when I had some free time and was super super bored, I hadn’t even bothered to tell SABnzbd to use a VPN. Over two ISPs and however many hundreds of episodes and movies watched, I never got any letters. Likewise, you usually are pretty safe on private torrent trackers, because copyright trolls don’t like putting in the effort of maintaining access.