Of course, I’m paranoid and don’t trust the US government. Or any government really. “First they came for _____” and all that; Id rather just tell them to pound sand immediately instead of get caught with my pants down.
Of course, I’m paranoid and don’t trust the US government. Or any government really. “First they came for _____” and all that; Id rather just tell them to pound sand immediately instead of get caught with my pants down.
“It does exactly what you tell it to do.”
Try Linux in a VM (virtual machine) for a while.
Password management is the one thing i don’t plan to self-host, on the grounds of not putting all my eggs in one basket. If something goes wrong and all my shit is fried or destroyed, I don’t want to also fuck around with account recovery for my entire digital existence.
Plus, if something is breached, im more likely to hear news about Bitwarden than I am about compromised server and/or client versions in a timeframe to actually be able to react to it.
If there’s a Microcenter in the area, they do pretty great deals around tax return season (if in US), lots of cpu+RAM+MOBO combos for a good $200 off.
I have no idea what you’re referring to, diablotek is a perfectly valid power supply manufacturer (/s do they even still exist? I heard they were legendary for exploding)
Second the power supply. Nicer ones come with longer warranty (i think the Seasonic Titanium+ ones have a 10 year?). A bigger motherboard with more features/ports/slots can also be shifted to home server duty in the future better than say, an ITX board.
The HP G5 thunderbolt docks are (currently, at least) pretty stable IMO, provided the firmware is up to date on it.
NOT the hp g4 thunderbolt dock, that one the team I’m on is at a level 3 support ticket with HP for monitor issues that render my laptop basically unusable.
Probably Proton, who randomly started politically leaning towards US Republican recently.