I’m slowly learning Emacs, I’d say I like it but it’s a lot of config work and I wouldn’t recommend it to somebody who hasn’t programmed before.
I’m slowly learning Emacs, I’d say I like it but it’s a lot of config work and I wouldn’t recommend it to somebody who hasn’t programmed before.
I have an i3 and a hyprland installation.
I like tiling wms but Wayland still has some annoying issues so I like having the more stable i3 installation on my main computer.
I use a Wayland version of rofi when I use hyprland though wofi probably works fine too (which I believe is default as per the config).
I have that feeling with almost every proprietary binary from a website nowadays.
I’ve used Sycthing but it was somewhat finicky.
I have a laptop with 4GB of RAM and it works fine, my fedora i3 installation. It’s nothing compared to a proper computer but it’s not like I ever run out of RAM either. (Generally I open two Firefox windows, discord and vscode)
I would say it’s about thunar configuration or URL handler configs more than anything. The other comment has what looks like a good solution for x11, no idea if it works on Wayland though.
I’d use SSH, I don’t know how to set it up by heart but I do know that there’s a Windows client called putty which seems to work pretty well since it sounds like you don’t have another Linux machine to run an SSH client from.