I gotcha, thanks for sharing. It’s cool hearing from people who are so far away!
I gotcha, thanks for sharing. It’s cool hearing from people who are so far away!
I wanted to go with a pi for my HTPC but I have a Plex server and all my movies are full bitrate 4k files straight from the UHD blurays and the pi couldn’t handle that bitrate. Ended up building a small ITX PC with my old PC hardware and a new Intel A380 gpu.
I’m so thankful intel is doing their best to enter the discreet GPU market. Such banger cards for so little.
That’s crazy! If you don’t mind me asking what do you typically do on your machine and how much time do you spend on it?
I’m just curious because I spend a lot of time on my PC and can only imagine how horrible all the stuff I do would be on that hardware lol
“AI heavily increased GPU prices” Nvidia one of the greediest companys around increased the prices of GPUs, not necessarily AIs fault because nvidia is in direct control of their card prices.
Take a look at Intel’s new GPUs, they are actually priced in a way that isn’t fist fucking the consumer.
I still order from them although it’s definitely gotten worse and the website feels like It was designed exclusively by the marketing team and high-up executives instead of web engineers.
Honestly, I typically gravitate towards Amazon over Newegg these days, but Newegg does have a lot more options for computer hardware, so I still order from them. I just ordered an ITX motherboard and SFX power supply from newegg yesterday actually because amazom didn’t have the products I wanted.
Valve dosnt really “own” SteamOS. They maintain and update SteamOS, but SteamOS is free and open source
Plus just about everbody who knows anything about valve would tell you they are probably the most consumer friendly billion dollar company ever, and have been for decades. So yes even if they owned it like microsoft owns windows it would still be better
I was more just shitting on Discord to shit on Discord because you can have insane bitrates on clients such as TeamSpeak, which I would prefer everyone use.
Isn’t sound shit on Discord anyway? Low bitrate
“Without being a prick” Dawg being a prick is his primary way of communication, power to him
Was your phone $150?