How easy is it to convert a VirtualBox machine+hdd to Virt Manager?
It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
How easy is it to convert a VirtualBox machine+hdd to Virt Manager?
It’s great for machines you’ll be using via VNC a lot, too.
For CTRL+R, once you see the command you want, hit ESC, and the command is there ready to edit.
I recommend the Xubuntu flavor of Ubuntu.
If it’s a fairly new computer (especially if you if you have 32 gigs of RAM), Bedrock Minecraft can run pretty decently in a virtual machine.
It’s a single point of failure though.
Same because it works really well over VNC. It feels almost like I’m actually on a local machine.
Most WiFi modules are fairly easy to change out for one that Linux is happy with.
Wherever you choose to store it, you should still consider following the 3-2-1 backup rule.
what does that even mean?
Something like this:
FastMail is nice.
or (I don’t recommend it) you could learn to: