The term to use is filsharing
The term to use is filsharing
Tried asking on the comm’s Signal chat?
These articles always get me thinking about filesharing doomsday. That theoretical point in time when our governments go full China and enact their own national firewalls/other scheme of effective P2P connection surveillance; when you need to know for certain that you’ve downloaded enough (and that your storage game is good enough) to last decades of leisure time, perhaps even a lifetime’s worth.
Note the complete 180 in priorities since the Russian’s arrest. It may as well be a FAGMAN product soon.
Send one my way, please
Seconding this. The figures are too rubbery for headlines like this to have any meaning.
sharing - this one is key. I use a shared shopping list and we both need to add and edit.
Get jotting with your friends in seconds: https://pad.disroot.org/
Lots of banned artist and album names that will return zero results, unless you do something like search for a song or two that’s on the album you want and finding the data that way.
The only objectionable hurdles are the insurmountable ones
Notifications are overrated. I turn them off for the bulk of apps.
Devote one or two small time windows each day for life admin. Outside those windows it shouldn’t be seen or heard.
This comms near-constant links to media coverage of what the Empire is up to. I’d like to see some information about what the Alliance is doing about it, so I can work out who to fund and raise awareness for. How organized is the Euro equivalent of the EFF? The Can/Aus equivalent?