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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • From their webpage … sounds pretty cool:

    Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3’s features, plus a few extras.

    Sway allows you to arrange your application windows logically, rather than spatially. Windows are arranged into a grid by default which maximizes the efficiency of your screen and can be quickly manipulated using only the keyboard.

  • I just installed it and it’s working pretty well.

    OIDC/SSO was easy to configure and I was able to do so before even signing in. I was able to proxy it with NPM quite easily too without needing to do anything special.

    The only real problem I’m seeing so far is that if you have OIDC set up, there aren’t prompts to actually use it in the Android app and Firefox extensions and it still prompts for username and password instead. I got around that by creating an API key instead, but you wouldn’t think that’d be necessary.

    I even imported all my Firefox bookmarks just to see how it’d handle it and it’s struggling, haha, but I think that’s likely going to be the AI auto tagging and my poor little Ollama server that’s only got a 1060 rather than it being a Hoarder issue, but linking it to the existing Ollama server was also quite easy!

    Thanks for the share OP, I’ve tried putzing with Wallabag (didn’t like that they didn’t have SSO) and Linkwarden (couldn’t get it to work with NGINX or NPM), so this was refreshing with how easy it was to get up and running!

    ETA: My primary usecase for this is going to just be shoving things I want to remember to look at on it rather than sending myself links to things constantly.

    Things I think could be improved, but am not (yet?) annoyed enough by to even open an issue:

    1. The above mentioned OIDC issue
    2. I’d like to see an auto tag for mobile [need-to-look-at or something similar] where I can later de-tag it once I’ve looked at it … maybe this is a usecase for putting it in a list instead (if that’s the case, a default list instead would be nice) … dunno, I’ll play with it more to get an actual workflow with it
    3. In webui logs – right now, I don’t get much feedback on what it’s doing within the webui itself
    4. Shared lists between other users on the server would be VERY nice (I saw that this has been requested already).

  • You’re Welcome! An extra safety measure might be to do a clone on all your repos to ensure you’ve got a local copy of them all and absolute worst case you’ll have a couple of levels of backup plans, but up until pretty recently they were pretty much the same app just re-skinned, so, I think you’ll be fine.