I’m sure one of the self-hosted RSS servers can do what you need. Look up TinyRSS, FreshRSS and the like.
Linux enthusiast, family man and nerd
I’m sure one of the self-hosted RSS servers can do what you need. Look up TinyRSS, FreshRSS and the like.
Just about any RSS feed reader…
I’m not a Kubuntu expert or even user, so I will just list op the general steps.
Boot into the live USB and unlock the encrypted drive. Make sure you have an internet connection too. Then chroot (change root) into the OS drive you decrypted and look at the logs from last update or even boot logs if posisble to determine what went wrong during the update. If possible fix the issue and complete a full update again (apt update & apt upgrade). Hopefully that should fix it.
Does your PC have any known hardware that requires proprietary drivers, like Nvidia or Broadcom?
They actually got a GTK3 based release out before GTK3 went EOL. Congratulations!
Can they update ti GTK4 based before that goes EOL? :D
Just to clarify. You system is not bricked. Bricked means that it can’t boot anything. It sounds like the update is not working correctly (eg the kernel is not fully loading).
You have two options:
Both options require a live USB with your distro on it (preferably the new version).
Yeah, I’m also waiting for a couple of “apps” to have NC 31 compatibility.
There seems to be links to some learning materials for it at the website.
As it is just a test (multiple choice and written text) I don’t think there are any preperation tests for it.
Mine is a small N100-based machine with 2 SATA SSDs in it. 16 GB RAM and it also runs many other services.
The better the hardware and connection, the faster the interface will be.
understand why this post has such a negative vote count when the conditions for its existence seems like an acceptable risk since it’s disconnected from the internet;
The OP says nothing about being disconnected from the internet. The referenced guide uses a computer without internet, but not OP.
So it’s fair to assume OPs PC is still connected to the internet, as must devices are these days.
So, they are kind of like Linux Live USB sticks with persistant storage?
I had something similar happen in Plasma 6.1 and 6.2. After I turned off the dccutils support in powerdevil, I have not had the issue since. My desktop is not a laptop, so it’s always powered, same with screen, so I don’t need fancy power profiles.
If firefox is still in /usr/lib64/firefox, then it should still be there. Maybe just the .desktop file is removed?
The about page says it started as a one-developer team, but is now expanding. They mention both a US and a UK postal address.
I’m on the latest episode now. Boy, the first couple of episode was rough, audio wise. Much better in the later ones. Do you ever plan on having guests or even co-hosts on the show?
I like when there is banter and discussion between people on podcasts. Makes it feel more organic. :)
tool where everyone (without creating an account)
You might already have thought of this, but if this is open to anyone on the internet, expect lots of spam links to be posted there.
Beats me then. Network wise an external Wifi should follow the same rules as an external cellular connection.
In that case, are you sure the VPN is actually on, when on cellular?
While most have examples in their readme’s on Docker hub and Github, not all of them do, so I sometimes have to hunt down an example buried in their git repo somewhere. So a searchable page for popular self-hosted app docker compose files would be welcome.
I don’t think I’ve seen such a page anywhere else.
How are you feeding this cat, while you are gone?
Get someone to take care of the cat while you are away. Either relatives, friends or some kennel/petcamp. You will feel better knowing the cat is in good hands if it’s condition should worsen and the cat will feel safe.