The logging in is for getting your subscriptions transferred. Though you could also do the export method on there too.
The logging in is for getting your subscriptions transferred. Though you could also do the export method on there too.
I’ve been using lucida.to with PowerAmp or iPod 5th gen Rockbox, has worked great.
(Though my iPod had a problem playing flacs, probably because it was running out of RAM or something, uploaded the music using Rhythmbox on Linux, which uploaded the files as mp3-s that it could then play)
It’s just Debian, always behind.
Whenever you get 3 in a row, you know what you have to do.
The gods have given you a sign.
Probavly, I have about 20 extensions for GNOME and have tweaked right about every setting and keybind.
I’d rather not give my birth year in a public post. I was just keeping it vague.
(It’s not 2008 btw)
Being on Lemmy sometimes makes me feel like everyone here is old. Y’all talking about the years that I was born in as if it was like yesterday.
Lmao, they prohibit anyone using any Google device or service, any Apple device or service and any (active) Reddit user.