Feishin seems to be the best option for navidrome on windows and linux as far as I am aware but I have this really annoying bug that prevents me from seeing any tracks that I don’t have marked as favorites for some reason.
Feishin seems to be the best option for navidrome on windows and linux as far as I am aware but I have this really annoying bug that prevents me from seeing any tracks that I don’t have marked as favorites for some reason.
One thing navidrome cannot do is to have different music available per user. A workaround for that is yo host multiple instances using docker and have them access different folders for music but that’s obviously not ideal.
The Arch-wiki was my main reason for switching to arch. When I used an ubuntu based distro I felt like I had to rely on forum posts to figure out anything whereas with arch everything is documented incredibly well
I did have a look at their tutorial and found it very technical, difficult to read and was unable to find any information on whether it is possible to send characters/text that are not part of the current keyboard layout. From what you describe I can guess now that kmonad is not really suited to what I am trying to achieve though.
That sounds a lot better than what I imagined. I’ll have to try that out then. Thanks
The way I understood the compose key is that it requires me to type a combination in order to get the actual character I want.
What I want is to use the right alt key more like a layer modifier (just like shift works to switch between numbers and signs for example), in order to get my special characters
I haven’t used PDFDing before but honestly that description sounds a bit unituitive to me. I would expect to select the color first and then markt the text but maybe this is just because I haven’t seen the interface
I always try yt-dlp first with the website URL. If that doesn’t work I either try the URL shown in the network tab in the debug menu or try to find a video source URL by inspecting the video html container.
Once I’ve found a URL using one of those methods I again throw it at yt-dlp
I didn’t know about that tool. Thanks for sharing
I believe there are also the acronyms hass for homeassistant or HAOS for homeassistant OS.
Huh, today I learned
On the topic of SMB. If OP is mostly interested in accessing the music from their phone, a symfonium + SMB server setup may be even easier than setting up navidrome
As much as I’d love to, it is still one of the best places to read up on recommendations for stuff, be it hardware opinions or obscure book recommendations. It is certainly a better place for tech reviews than most of the other sites you find using search engines which just do stuff like “This is the best on a budget. This is the best for that. This is the best overall. Here is where you can buy all of that.”
Those sites never feel like they do a genuine review of stuff but instead try to sell you something. Plus they feel like they are copy pasting from each other.
Oh my god yes.
Every fucking time I open reddit on my phone the entire website goes grey and they offer me to use the app… Unless the content is NSFW in which case they tell me I have to use the app.
Fortunately old reddit still works to get around that but it doesn’t have a mobile page layout
Not a valid option if you are looking specifically for lossless music
Not OP but I’m curious about one thing I personally miss with kate.
Do you know if it is possible with kate to keep temporary text files open after closing the program the same way notepad++ can?
Oh it definetely is a bit hacky.
At one point I tried using home assistant to automatically turn my tv and stereo on or off depending on the state of the chromecast but that didn’t really work consistently unfortunately.
My solution is far from ideal but it works for me.
I have a Chromecast connected to my TV which outputs to my stereo system. Power to TV and stereo are controlled via smart plugs that I can quickly toggle when I want to stream music.
The good thing: It works.
The bad things:
It is an option under the filter menu but in my case it cannot be turned off. The slider is in the off position and I still only see my favorites