Pretty bad when one side’s perspective makes them look awful and the other side is the one accusing them of being awful 😬
Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.
Pretty bad when one side’s perspective makes them look awful and the other side is the one accusing them of being awful 😬
Hm, all’ the code is GPL’d so I suppose Korkki is right, it wouldn’t do anything past the upset in leadership. He can’t unilaterally revoke any code, for instance. I think he can revoke Tux (the mascot) and maybe even the name? The latter could get irksome and the former’s already the case (see: Steam having to switch to a logo they made instead of Tux for games that support Linux).
raises trans, linux-using paw ^.^
Thanks for bringing this to my attention :3
Very agree here. Less and less is actually GNU, so by what metric do we have to include things? “GNU is an OS?” I’m running two at once? No, it’s three, some of this software comes from BSD. Or is it more? Maybe I’ve got tools developed on/from/for other OSes still! Hell, I’ve got Windows software on this system. Gotta tell everybody I’m running GNU and Linux and BSD and Windows and (…) 🤦
This naming “debate” is absurd.
Edit: I meant to say, it’s really getting too late to push the naming issue as a means of making people recognize how much of “Linux” is GNU, considering the connections are decreasing. Even the kernel builds with clang these days, GNU tools and libs get replaced… I don’t know that I’m happy about this, but it seems plausible (at a casual glance from a non-expert observer) that GNU’s practically on its way out. On the other paw, I’ll be glad to never hear about this naming “issue” again if everything GNU gets buried.
[Goofy reference to goofy thing https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.en.html ] Something tells me that cal is the standard text-based calendar 😅