I suggest Mint or straight Debian. I prefer Mint for anything graphical, Debian for headless
I suggest Mint or straight Debian. I prefer Mint for anything graphical, Debian for headless
That’s fantastic, I can’t wait to go home and install it
While not exactly a bouncer, I like Quassel
This is just for him to get a basic feel for the various distros, before choosing one to permanently install; setting up a VM properly is probably going to be too technical
Well I use key-based login for security; obscurity just keeps the network congestion down
You can use any port for ssh. When I switched from 22 to 1337, brute force attempts at logging in stopped
devices with an x86_64 architecture
Sounds like the opposite of what you want; you would want x86_64 code on devices with an ARM architecture.
But I didn’t actually read the article, so maybe that line is poorly worded
I use NTFS with Linux a lot, and have for years. The only issue I’ve ever had was Linux not being able to recover it properly after unsafely disconnecting it, but Windows fixed it just fine
I’ve just found it’s more polished right out of the box. Definitely more new-user-friendly, like Ubuntu, but with Snap gutted out.
I have been using the regular Mint (based on Ubuntu), but I’m probably going to use the Debian edition next time I install a new system