The weebs are winning because Hollywood is bankrupt for ideas. Heck, not just Hollywood, the west in general.
Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.
The weebs are winning because Hollywood is bankrupt for ideas. Heck, not just Hollywood, the west in general.
Directories routinely take mulitple seconds to load, and I don’t understand why.
Probably thumbnail generation, and I was going to say file indexing, but surely that runs in the background. Baloo in KDE is a lot less intrusive anyway.
They speedran the enshittification process, so quickly the term wasn’t even invented yet.
Only a decade late… Luckily qBittorrent is brilliant. And if qBittorrent somehow wasn’t an option, I might go with BiglyBT - it’s not the easiest on the eyes, but lots of settings.
I’m surprised nobody has recommended Smart Video Wallpaper Reborn for KDE, but then again, it is an old thread. This is my favorite, it also allows for animated wallaper on the lockscreen.
What about all the lost accounts due to the Mojang -> Microsoft account migration? Lots of people either didn’t get around to doing it, or was able to and that meant the game you bought was suddenly null and void as your Mojang account got deleted if you didn’t consent in time to migrate to Microsoft.
The Asus EeePC 1000H that I bought back in 2009 is a 10 inch monitor netbook. 160 GB HDD because I didn’t go with SSD, only came with 1 GB of RAM and cruicially was offered in both Windows XP and Linux flavor which was a bit niche at the time.
Its 32-bit single core (hyperthreading) atom processor is very slow at 1.6GHz, but it can still be used with antiX for my usecase.
If you manage to get hold of one of these old dinosaurs, I’d probably opt for an SSD solution, that’s a pretty big bottleneck.
I use an extension which bundles 5 different solutions in one called PaywallHub. I hasn’t been updated for a while because it got hit by takedown notices, but the chrome extension and firefox addon repos are still available, you just have to install it a bit more manually: https://github.com/Angeloyo/PaywallHub
That’s a lot of choo-choo’ing
If we’re sharing silly useless projects, I quite like “activate linux”, the configurable watermark inspired by “Activate Windows”.
It’s unfortunately not a strictly terminal based goof, but wanted to share anyway.
It is nice to have guard rails like a GUI until you grasp the possibilities, that’s how I’ve learned historically coming from DOS and Windows at least, but you can still mess things up plenty with this tool.
I switched to linux a little over a year ago and went with MX Linux because they have great GUI tools for windows refugees like myself, and because they don’t like systemd over there they use cron jobs. Now, having switched to Nobara I’ve just installed both SystemD Pilot here, but also found KCron, a KDE Cron configuration module which allows for the same functionality as what I’m used to.
If I just want to setup a “when system starts” daemon, is there really any difference in using one over the other? I guess it’s possible to shut down services more gracefully?
In any case, great job on this utility.
You’re right, same goes for anime as they mention in the article. I’m thinking one leads to the other, people might pick up the manga to catch up on the anime or maybe a manga reader will watch the anime version of their show.
And they target a starving audience if you ask me.