Compassion >~ Thought

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2024


  • Yes and I spoke directly to that:

    red was too until 2025. But iirc there are “details” there like that… complicates interpretation of just these raw numbers.

    Tbh I don’t understand the recent blip in the red, but indeed that alone would justify me leaving Netflix, if it happened to me - and I suppose I will face that fact soon, so I should begin to brush up on my sailing skills, which I have mostly neglected bc the 123s are so great and low-effort, when they work, but they often do not.

    This worries me greatly, and I apologize if I sounded insensitive that it’s already happening to others as well. I wanted clarification as to what these numbers MEAN, but I should search and read rather than speak that out I guess.

  • That’s on me, I explained myself horribly there.:-D

    Also I was speaking to my ignorance, and that never comes across well - like I was saying that I don’t know what other features the Premium plan even offers, above the others. Hypothetically, if more were offered, then the price increase might make more sense?

    I’ve never had nor will ever have the Premium plan though, so in the end I don’t really care what its price is, except that if it keeps the company fed and allows the lower plans to stay cheaper then good for it?

    I care WAY more about that tiny little blip, just one year’s spike in the standard plan over the last year, then everything else that increased. And the blue did not increase, much.

    So if the rich have to pay more now, boo hoo? While the blue remains the same = good? And, prior to 2025, which I don’t really understand, the red / Standard likewise?

    But your title focuses entirely on the increase in the Premium plan. Which, if that’s what you want to do is your call, and yet I felt like there was a lack of explanation as to why (not that you have to go do it, just saying that would be the next step, in order to interpret these raw numbers), and a whole story about the blue and red lines that runs counter to the story for the (particularly yellow) Premium plan(s).

  • This is the way that it should be IMHO - the rich pay more, and get more in return. Like, hasn’t the feature set of Premium increased? 4k, multiple household multiple screen whatever whatever. Anyway if they can afford it and want to, then that helps everyone out for them to support the entire platform.

    More troubling to me (than whatever is going on with Premium that is way above most of our heads) is the recent uptick for Standard. Like the blue line is remarkably flat, and red was too until 2025. But iirc there are “details” there like that is only for people outside the USA, not that that one fact alone isn’t high relevant, but that it’s one example of a detail (and there may be several others along with it) that complicates interpretation of just these raw numbers. Like at that point I’d want to know the reason why the price went up only outside but not inside the USA - pure corporate greed? (Certainly that’s one of the factors:-P, but is it the only one?) Laws passed in the other countries affected that makes it more expensive to operate there? A bit of both?

    I like paying for Netflix, bc it’s a superb player that handles network congestion and such very well and it signals content creators which content I want to see more of. I don’t restrict myself to “only” what I can pay for, but if a show is on Netflix then I enjoy the convenience that it offers. The situation is nothing like what it used to be let’s say 5 years ago, and I worry about how that will continue to evolve in a year or two, but for now it halfway works - and I’m not signing up for Disney or Paramount or Hulu or whatever so Netflix it is then. As long as I can afford it.