Got that vibe when he said he was ousted by weaponized cancel culture
Got that vibe when he said he was ousted by weaponized cancel culture
In the original post on GitHub it’s mentioned that it was a manual review
I don’t really think that’s fair. I agree with your suggestion that it should be a multiplatform DE rather than just its own distro but I think having polished and design opinionated distros is important. I know a few Mac guys who have become interested in Linux when they heard about ElementaryOS.
I get that a lot of people hate on GNOME too for being annoying to customise and being highly opinionated but I think that’s the key to getting the average person interested in Linux. The average person just wants their desktop to look nice out of the box and maybe offer a dark mode. Anything more than that gets too complicated.
Edit: and yeah having access to programs like the MS apps is important but it’s not like that has to come before having an appealing desktop
I have three Proxmox nodes named:
, and a partially decommissioned node aptly namedpve
acid1 was named from a sticker I got in a big collection. I was extra sold on the name when I did some research into acid1 tests.
freebones is from an inside joke from a GPT3.5 bot I terribly finetuned using my friend groups entire chat history. At one point the bot randomly said “algebra: you get free bones” and I kind of just ran with that