The german way
Swiss Pan-European Nationalist
The german way
Manifest v2 still works on Firefox, so OP was right, it’s useless
This is in Germany, idk what laws in the US have to do with this
May I recommend editing your comment?
i actually think NPM is more confusing. 1: there are practically always already finished Files for Caddy V2. Most of the times directly in the Repo of the Project. A lot of Devs use Caddy themselves. 2: NPM exposes a lot of Options additionally. This can confuse newcomers. With Caddy, all these extra options are invisible. you just write and see “reverse_proxy jellyfin” and that’s it.
If you are new i recommend “Caddy V2”
It is by far the easiest.
Wait with Nginx until you’re better. (and even then, use linuxserverio/swag instead of nginx)
Why is system-theme so unpopular? 😭