Knew it
Nvm they fixed it GREAT but ig this will be my lemmy alt ig?? its fine the the communities on here are weird
Main account: !@Mwa:lemm.ee
Knew it
I remember hearing somewhere steam doesnt work on musl,So i assume you used flatpack steam.
Ohh, so only open source apps and closed source apps that work on non glibc/systemd then ig
I wonder how hard is it to download apps on Glibc-free systems, On Systemd-free systems ik there is Flatpack and stuff , asking this bcs many apps on Linux only work on Glibc.
Heard that distro while looking into wikipedia.
I know you can basically turn arch into catchy, but I see no reason to when there is a pre made distro.
Makes sense
As for Nix, I think it looks very interesting but I very much love arch for my desktop and am not really looking for a replacement at the moment, but it is number one on my list for the future if things change
Aswell as fedora in copr and Am pretty sure its only the kernel no optimized packages for both nix and fedora.
Idk if you can get korg working on wine.
In my opinion skipping x11 Will make compatability worse.
You can put Cachyos tweaks kernels and repos on top of arch or nixos if you like.
I distrohop aswell,I mostly stuck with cachyos.
Idk if you use smth like gamescope to enable it in cinnamon
Man gnu endorsed distros are quite rare here.
Ohh i thought its another package manager similar to nix and homebrew.
Someone told me that he used alot of tinkering to play games before proton.
I would try to install everything called nvidia nvidia driver I didn’t end up getting it working.
How did you deal with snaps.