I find them pretty good for English spoken by native speakers. For anything else it’s horrible.
I find them pretty good for English spoken by native speakers. For anything else it’s horrible.
Learn FreeBSD.
Learn Linux.
I know that this will anger some people, but I just use the defaults and I don’t get why there are so many fonts, since they don’t seem that much different to me.
No. You are be able to do that, if you allow VM to access partitions as is, or whole disks. You then just, boot into them normally if you want to switch completely. There are also ways to boot directly into virtual disk images, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you could “convert” virtual hard disk image into a partition on your regular hard disk anyway.
Why not use virtual machines? They are much less invasive, and you can easily remove them. The only downside is that it uses a bit more resources than you would normally, but it’s not a huge problem nowadays, even for budget computers as long as your host desktop is not resource-hoggy.
I miss the time when not all icons were a rectangle or a circle.
One of the first things I do while migrating user to a new PC (or just giving one for newly employed person) is that I disable all useless Microsoft shit automatically starting up in the task manager.
You can still use the classic version of Outlook, that comes with latest Office. It is literally called “Outlook (classic)” in the start menu.
Not sure who that is, but great 👍
macOS is a certified UNIX, sure, but according to some 2002 specification, and if you modify your system in such matter that it will be in nearly broken state.