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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • Yeah. I’ve been trying to get the word out.

    I’ve been screwing with Linux for decades, but somewhere along the line, Linux got easier and more reliable than Windows. I was as surprised as anyone. My last couple Linux installs were a cake walk.

    I also like Linux more than Mac, but I’m a tinkerer at heart, and Mac’s (relative) lack of fiddly bits (customization options) has kept me from staying on it long.

  • Yeah. I think you can’t go wrong with either Debian or Fedora with Gnome. I would pick whichever I’m most comfortable with. The grandparents will probably never notice.

    I love to give Gnome crap for being a large install, but I’ve lost count of the number of machines that I’ve put Gnome on and had it just work. And I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve searched for a fancy command line way to fix an annoyance in Gnome, and discovered there’s just a simple toggle in settings for what I want.

  • Yeah. Thankfully, Windows server cleaned up that stupidity starting around 2006 and finished in around 2018.

    Which all sounds fine until we meditate on the history that basically all other server operating systems have had efficient remote administration solutions since before 1995 (reasonable solutions existed before SSH, even).

    Windows was over 20 years late to adopt non-grapgical low latency (aka sane) options for remote administration.

    I think it’s a big part of the reason Windows doesn’t appear much on this chart.

  • That’s certainly a big part of it. When one needs to buy a metric crap load of CPUs, one tends to shop outside the popular defaults.

    Another big reason, historically, is that Supercomputers didn’t typically have any kind of non-command-line way to interact with them, and Windows needed it.

    Until PowerShell and Windows 8, there were still substantial configuration options in Windows that were 100% managed by graphical packages. They could be changed by direct file edits and registry editing, but it added a lot of risk. All of the “did I make a mistake” tools were graphical and so unavailable from command line.

    So any version of Windows stripped down enough to run on any super-computer cluster was going to be missing a lot of features, until around 2006.

    Since Linux and Unix started as command line operating systems, both already had plenty fully featured options for Supercomputing.

  • Where did you find that azure runs on linux?

    I dont know of anywhere that Microsoft confirms, officially, that Azure, itself, is largely running on Linux. They share stats about what workloads others are running on it, but not, to my knowledge, about what it is composed of.

    I suppose that would be an oversimplification, anyway.

    But that Azure itself is running mostly on Linux is an open secret among folks who spend time chatting with engineers who have worked on the framework of the Azure cloud.

    When I have chatted with them, Azure cloud engineers have displayed huge amouts of Linux experience while they sometimes needed to “phone a friend” to answer Windows server edition questions.

    For a variety of reasons related to how much longer people have been scaling Linux clusters, than Windows servers, this isn’t particularly shocking.

    Edit: To confirm what others have mentioned, inferring from chatting with MS staff suggests, more specifically, that Azure, itself, is mostly Linux OS running on a Hyper-V virtualization later.

  • But, surely Windows is the wrong OS?

    Oh yes! To be clear - trying to put any version of Windows on a super-computer is every bit as insane as you might imagine. By what I heard in the rumor mill, it went every bit as badly as anyone might have guessed.

    But I like to root for an underdog, and it was neat to hear about Microsoft engineers trying to take the Windows kernel somewhere it had no rational excuse to run (at the time - and I wonder if they had internal beta versions of stuff that Windows ships standard now, like SSH…), perhaps by sheer force of will and hard work.

  • I wonder if the numbers are still this good if you consider more supercomputers.

    Great question. My guess is not terribly different.

    “Top 500 Supercomputers” is arguably a self-referential term. I’ve seen the term “super-computer” defined whether it was among the 500 fastest computer in the world, on the day it went live.

    As new super-computers come online, workloads from older ones tend to migrate to the new ones.

    So my impression is there usually aren’t a huge number of currently operating supercomputers outside of the top 500.

    When a super-computer falls toward the bottom of the top 500, there’s a good chance it is getting turned off soon.

    That said, I’m referring here only to the super-computers that spend a lot of time advertising their existence.

    I suspect there’s a decent number out there today that prefer not to be listed. But I have no reason to think those don’t also run Linux.