Have you tried…GoDaddy???
giggles as the downvotes pour in
Have you tried…GoDaddy???
giggles as the downvotes pour in
Boring and dependable.
Just like I wish politics were.
Now that Google is slowly but surely going to shits,
Slowly? Did you just wake from a coma from 2013? Because if so…literally nothing about life is about to make sense. I mean, not even talking about search engines anymore. You went into a coma with a black president trying to get healthcare for all Americans, and woke up to the bad timeline from Back To The Future II. Except in this reality, it’s even worse. Even Biff never gave nazi salutes…
Oh no, it’s worse than that. I’ve explained several times to several people the terrible business practices that nestle use.
I’ve named off some of the bigger products they make.
90% of people I’ve explained this to gave zero shits. The other 10% feigned interest but didn’t change their behavior.
So, the people I’ve explained it to can’t feign ignorance. It’s apathy.
They just said “for this particular issue, the hard drive is not working, and so there’s nothing we can do about that”.
I agree the hard drive wasn’t working. So I asked them to point me to the claus in the warrenty that dismissed them if the hard drive wasn’t working within the warrenty period. They just kept transfering me around.
It’s decades later, and I’m still of the belief that I was right. It’s also the reason I hold no grudge towards best buy.
Seagate defined their warrenty as 90 days, barring user defects (so like if I had spilled a drink on it, or did something on my end that would break it). Since nothing about the defect had anything to do with me, I’d say I fall into their warrenty.
If I had opened the box sooner, and gotten it back to best buy with the reciept, within 14 days, I’d expect them to have taken it back. I opened it a month or so in, so that part is on me. Best buy defined their terms before I purchased. I was outside those terms. Sucked for me, but you can’t fault best buy for that.
I was just mad that seagate said “this is our warrenty, these are our terms”, and then didn’t honor it on a defective drive. At that point I DO fault the company that doesn’t honor their own word.
I hadn’t opened the package for about a month. Best buy had a 14 day return period, which is why I don’t blame them. They offered their terms, I was outside of their return period, even if the package was unopened.
The seagate warrenty was 90 days. Which I was within.
Just a few weeks ago I made comments that I wouldn’t be interested in buying seagate’s latest 34 terabyte hard drive, or whatever it was.
My logic was that in 2008 when I bought a brand new seagate hard drive, and it was dead before I plugged it in, they refused to honor their warrenty.
Which to me, is them being an untruthful company. THEY wrote the terms of the warrenty. I fell within them. They refused to honor their warrenty.
Alright. Fine, you’re on the blacklist. And I haven’t bought a seagate product since.
And peoples response on lemmy to those comments was “it was 15+ years ago, they make better products now”
Which misses the point entirely. I’m not boycotting them to reduce risk of getting another junk product. I’m boycotting them because they don’t stand behind their word.
I feel we as people need to stand up, and police the businesses. Ok, so McDonalds is supporting trump. Mcdonalds is supporting russia. Mcdonalds is doing all this shady shit? Well then STOP BUYING BIG MACS, ASSHOLE! If we, collectively as a society held dishonest businesses to the flame for shady practices, then these shady businesses would stop being shady.
It’s a simple formula.
(Shady thing) - (lost sales from protests) + (completed purchases) = total dollars.
Now, if the lost sales from protests swallows the completed purchases, then that means that shady thing cost them money. When that happens, they will stop doing the thing that loses them money.
But if the shady thing boosts their sales more than the protests cost the sales, it becomes just a cost of doing business.
It seems like such a simple concept too. Don’t buy from shitty companies, but yet Nestle is out here just thriving.
Thank goodness bladders don’t require others for the flow of our own individual streams!
I know, right? I too wanted to watch your local media!
That’s like asking “Why drive an automatic car, when stick shift exists???”
Mostly the fact that it’s been in development since 1998. Linux has thousands of developers, yet ReactOS has 30 developers who fight with each other, and haven’t had a stable release since 2021.
I can agree with this. I’ve always said that the concept of Linux needs to be a centralized experience for most, and then diverging distros for those who want to seek them for others. Like when you install Linux for the first time, it’s just called “Linux”. That’s the name of the distro. And it is a collection of all the other OS’s most popular features. It is the default linux experience. If YOU want to change something, you can, but most won’t. Windows 95 and later were actually pretty customizable, but how many people actually customized their window colors? I knew a few people who did. Most didn’t.
And that’s the thing about this kind of mass appeal that linux would experience. Terminal would still work, just as it does today, but it wouldn’t be the default behavior for most. Terminal is the second biggest reason people don’t use linux.
So for there to be a singular starting experience, it needs to basically be “This is linux. You’ve never used it, but you already know how. All your programs from mac and windows work here. Plus it’s free, and more secure without ads or tracking.”
That alone would be the driving force. Once they’re into the ecosystem, they can play with terminal if they want. They can customize if they want. But I have a feeling that most would stay with whatever the default experience was for their entire time using the system.
And the part where “all your apps work” is part of what I’m talking about with everybody catching ReactOS to modern. It’s not modern right now, but that’s due to lack of development. I’m saying with a huge development increase, it could be a small part of what makes your vision of a popular linux a reality. One of many moving parts basically.
Some applications require relatively obscure userspace quirks and tricks, in which case it doesn’t matter if they’re running through Linux+Wine or ReactOS+Wine if Wine doesn’t implement them.
I thought the whole goal of ReactOS was to get to a point where wine isn’t needed at all. You just take the .exe installer, and install it. Just like windows.
The issue is that they’re so poorly staffed that they’re waaaaaay behind on what Windows considers modern. They’re doing an impressive job reverse engeneering, but it’s still a 20 year old system. They partially rely on wine currently because of how unfinished THEIR work is.
But my vision is that thousands of people each contributing small little bits here and there, all contributing to the code of ReactOS. Eventually they could move beyond XP, into Windows & era, and Windows 8 era, and Windows 10 era, and Windows 11 era. But since it’s NOT microsoft, and since it’s NOT windows, it wouldn’t come with any of the stuff people hate about those versions. It would come with the compatibility, but not the forced spying, or the bloat, or the forced subscriptions.
The thing I read is that Windows 95 was composed of around 1000 people all working towards the same goal, with the same tools, at the same time. All getting paid as their full time job. ReactOS has about 30 people, who are all fighting with each other. Their last stable release was 2021, but they do have nightly builds that are “current”. But with so much infighting, and so few people, and not being a full time priority, it doesn’t get the support it should.
As far as what linux would gain by ReactOS reverse engeneering modern day OS’s? It would mean ANY program that was originally intended for windows could be installed via the .exe file, on ANY linux distro. Using the same gui setup that windows users know how to do. Which in turn would make it 1000% easier to convince a new user to switch from Windows to Linux, if you could say “You can run all the same programs, you already know how to use it, and it’s free.” THAT would be the game changer.
What’s wrong with just throwing MP3s on an SD card, or hard drive?
Edit: Love how I have 4 upvotes, 4 downvotes. So a pretty divicive statement I’ve made. Yet nobody has told me why mp3s on local storage is or is not a solution for self hosting music. No opinions shared, other than angry arrows in both directions.
Cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.
That’s a terrible romcom.
“She was a Mac user, listening to The Beatles on her iPhone. He was a Linux user…probably using one of those custom modular built cell phones with an open kernal or something. This Holiday season, watch cultures clash as two different technology mindsets clash. When governments threaten to censor pornography in their state during the stressful holiday season, they turn to each other for support and, they fall in love! Courtney Cox, and Jerry Lewis star in…Different Worlds!”
I wouldn’t watch that.
I mean…I get where you’re coming from, but fuck that!
I’d have deleted the entire matrix server entirely. Washed my hands of the entire thing.
Because you can go to the police, and say “There’s child porn on MY server”, and the cops MIGHT work with you to catch the people actually posting it.
They might take the easy way. There’s a guy here, saying he’s hosting a server with child porn. Arrest him, because we know who he is, and call it a win in the media. Yes thats not how the law works…but it’s how lazy and corrupt cops work.
Cops are never your friend. I’d avoid any interactions with them that you can.