For the record Veitch is just a comedian alleged rapist with absolutely no affiliation with MALIBAL. MALIBAL is run by Matthew Plott as listed here on their site.
For the record Veitch is just a comedian alleged rapist with absolutely no affiliation with MALIBAL. MALIBAL is run by Matthew Plott as listed here on their site.
Your feelings are valid, that blows.
Ooooooh! Ok that’s really cool. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that!
Sorry if this question is easily answerable by reading and I’m just missing it. But I genuinely don’t really understand what this product does or what its use case is. Is it a usb stick that gives you kvm access to a computer from a remote location? Like call up someone in another building ‘hey plug the jet into tower X so I can remote in?’ In which case how is this better/worse/just different from a software solution like Barrier? Sorry if I’m being borderline deliberately obtuse but the website gives no info on the home page at all.
Edit: I think I understand better, digging into it more. But if anyone has an ELI5 I would greatly appreciate it.
See, this is how to be that guy but actually be nice and helpful at the same time. Good on you
sorry did the author not come across the companies own about page?
lol thats neat, malibal is based directly across the street from the palms casino in vegas.
watch me get all of DC banned for that emoji