A Windows VM running Windows terminal, SSH’d back into the host, obviously.
Honestly I stick with whatever the default is and never had a problem that led me to find anything else.
A Windows VM running Windows terminal, SSH’d back into the host, obviously.
Honestly I stick with whatever the default is and never had a problem that led me to find anything else.
I run Debian on most of my systems and run all of my services in docker (with rare exceptions for node_exporter or stable core tools). My base systems get automatic security upgrades, and then I’ll manually check in every few weeks whenever I feel like it.
My services in docker are version locked to a specific major version (when there’s a tag available) so I can usually re-pull to get minor version updates freely without breaking issues. My few more finnickey services get manual upgrades from me every 6 months or so only.
I usually stick to an OS version for as long as I can, and to that aim I stick to LTS versions with long support windows.
4 major versions in 12mo is…a lot. Especially if those include breaking changes for you. Yikes