I will consider it
[hmm… emoji]
I will consider it
[hmm… emoji]
So far, in no particular order, the most voted distros are:
I’ll be coming back tomorrow to find out what my next distro is going to be. I’m so pumped now that I just went and purchased a new SSD for this.
Do not tempt me! I shall return tomorrow and check on the general consensus.
I know a dedicated user of Mageia, that fact alone surprises me every day
I use audacious with a winamp skin.
My employer doesn’t want it and doesn’t need it. We offer programming courses and stuff like that, and my company got a deal with Oracle to offer these kind of certificates to our trainees as an added bonus. I’m being given the chance to participate as well just to inflate numbers or something.
Mint and manjaro(?
KDE and Cinnamon are solid desktop environments.
Thanks for the tip, I also consider myself a linux begginer. I started with arch (without arch-install). I’ve borked enough installations to not be a complete noob. So I guess I could try installing gentoo.
Noice!! Some day I’d like to try gentoo
And saint IGNUcius of the church of emacs. May we recite our confession of faith:
There is no system but GNU, and Linux is one of its kernels.
Can we change
systemctl start
to systemctl summon
We call them the deep folk, some say they’ve gone completely insane
Please do! Good luck!
I also have my domain with cloudflare, try checking the DNS menu there and create an A level record pointing to your server’s public ip address
You get to learn a lot, and most importantly, you become self suficient and free. No need to depend on corporations to manage your services, because you can do that yourself.
Want your own cloud? Just run and configure nextcloud on your server :D
Want your own personal blog? Make it yourself!
It’s so fun!
I’d love to see your website btw!
Yeah! That’s cool, I haven’t had any issues so far.
Everyday I get a bunch of logs of bots trying to access files and folders that don’t exist. It seems that they are targeting wordpress sites because all the files start with ‘wp-’ for example, some tried to access ‘wp-admin/credentials’, but since my site isn’t wordpress I’m not worried. Besides, I’m pretty sure that I could implement some rules on the firewall or even on nginx to block access to said directories by (for example) redirecting them to a different page.
I’m learning docker now. I found a whole video about the reverse proxy capabilities of nginx and docker, so I’ll be checking that out.
My goal is to have my own homelab and expose some services to the internet, or maybe even set up my own vpn so that I may access and configure things on my network from somewhere else.
I’m still struggling with the port forward thingie, and while Cloudflare tunnels are a nice thing to have, they protect me too much. I want a public IP address that I can use and register on a DNS, or ssh directly into my network from anywhere in the world. As I mentioned, I want to be able to shoot myself in the foot without actually doing so, (hopefully).
[UPDATE] The results are in:
I decided to post my update as a comment because I don’t think it’s that important. This post gained quite a few down-votes (understandable), and I wouldn’t like to be a bother anymore.
Now, the first “distro” I thought about when I saw the card was definitely Linux From Scratch. I felt validated when I saw your comments, however I shall explain a bit more further down. Another one I thought about was Gentoo Linux. To my surprise it wasn’t mentioned. Lastly, while I was writing this post I definitely had FreeBSD in mind, so I included the “UNIX-based” requirement.
I just wanted to read your opinions and in the end I’m really happy I did.
Now, you commented, you voted, and the top 5 distros that you recommended were:
The obvious winner is FreeBSD.
Now, I found this to be incredibly hilarious and immediately downloaded the iso image into my Ventoy. I went through the whole installation process and even got myself a minimal KDE plasma Desktop Environment. However, I was unable to use the touchpad on my Thinkbook laptop (work-issued) and that completely killed my joy. I tried a couple of fixes but I realized this wouldn’t be as straight-forward as I had hoped, which would mean a lot more time invested trying to learn and fix it, and immediately dropped the towel. I will be back to FreeBSD, this isn’t over!
However, for the time being I moved on to the next item on my list: Linux From Scratch.
After reading the LFS Book for a while, I came to the realization that this would be a huge undertaking and that I’d need a lot of prep-work and further reading. I’m not giving up quite yet on the LFS, but It’ll have to wait. I said I had time, but not that kind of time.
(The fact that I even considered LFS after a silly little defect from FreeBSD makes you wonder if I’m mentally stable, but yet again, I’m choosing my new distro based on a tarot card I got two weeks ago at a party while I was piss-drunk, so, uh)
For the time being I’m sticking with NixOS. Upon reading this particular comment section I can tell it’s got a lot of dedicated users (and preachers), which is very exciting. I did some reading about Nix and it sounds fascinating. I have now installed NixOS on my Laptop and got everything working fine. Now it’s just a matter of learning how to properly use it. In the future I’d like to carry on with the LFS installation and bring the Nix package manager along, I believe it’d be really cool. Right now I must learn more, so I would appreciate any advice and resources.
I would say NixOS fits well the description of the “Death” card on tarot because it represents a new beginning and a completely different mind-set. So yay! Thanks guys and gals. I appreciate your recommendations.
Honourable mentions (Distro recommendations I found hilarious):
You might think I’m a bit of a chicken for not following through with the top winners, and you are most definitely right, but I still have to learn more and I need that laptop for work on Monday, so, uh, sorry