Awesome. I’ll give this a try later and get back to you. Thanks!
Encrypted 🤐
Awesome. I’ll give this a try later and get back to you. Thanks!
Awesome, that was my next topic to look at was shows. Thanks for clarifying!
Woah woah woah sir. These are Linux ISOs. No pirating here :)
That’s amazing! Thank you for sharing! Also, ATLA… Didn’t realize I was speaking with a man of class. Thank you my good sir.
Didn’t know about identify. Is the in the dashboard settings for media or directly on the “watch” page that shows all media for viewing?
Kind of seconding this, I can’t speak for VPN routers, but i recently had a leak when I thought my kill switch was on and apparently something failed (probably me).
From now on I run both my PCs VPN as well as bind it directly to the torrent client. Same connection, just extra “kill switch” coverage.
Of course it all depends on how you want to do things/does all traffic need to route through a vpn/etc.
Ah nice. Well I think I just tried when I first set it up, saw it mess up, and figured I needed to rename, I’ll give it another try with this batch I upload later.
I will definitely give it a retry then. I mentioned in another comment that I could’ve sworn it didn’t when I first started and that’s why I started renaming, but I’ll try it again. Thanks!
If I remember correctly, when I first started the server, it was showing the name on the server as the long name with details instead of just the movie name. Although that could have been my fault.
On the seeding side, I’ve tried seeding the renamed files through the torrent but it seems since the movie names didn’t match it would start trying to download again instead of seeding directly. I may try transmission but I likes qbittorrents interface linking to the vpn. Transmission seems to need it typed out while qbittorrent let’s you select from a list. I just felt more confident having it selected as opposed to typed out.
It definitely felt like a right of passage lol. Ill be saving that. Might have to put it up on the wall to look back upon in my elder days.
This guy Seeds
Is the wear and tear a considerable amount over time? Or just something to consider as it does some compared to not seeding 24/7?
Oh dang, well so far it’s only a letter they sent to my ISP, in which they relayed that someone on my network was doing it with or without my knowledge.
My ISP has records I can look up the see the original email sent from the person who claimed the copyright. I was like, where did I mess up? They must not have very clear evidence.
Well… I was dead to rights Lmao. IP, movie name, times, data downloaded, etc. I’m hoping that’s the only thing that leaked in that time period and there isn’t more just qeueing lol.
But yeah, that’s why I wanted to share this post. Some people aren’t in countries where this matters, but for those of us that are, stay safe. Learn from others. Im lucky so far but someone may not be and get fined like in your situation.
I used Usenet but honestly I love being able to publicly seed for others. It feels like giving back so it’s a risk I’ll take over using usenet.
Much love to the community 🏴☠️
“Linux ISO’s” lol
I’ll take a look at this. Is there any downsides to private trackers?
Cool! I’ll definitely check that out. Thanks!
Public I assume, I’m pretty new to torrenting and haven’t really dove into private trackers yet. Any resources your recommend on reading up on that?
Great. Thanks for clarifying!
I used to use Plex as well but similar to your remarks, they started doing a lot more updates that added a “corporate” feel to it such as adding their own movies/tv. Nothing inherently wrong with that but in my opinion, when a platform has the option to add features such as that, that costs money. And they’re gonna want to get that money back somehow. Yeah they offer subscriptions but to me this all was a redflag that I could see them taking further in the future. Where as Jellyfin is completely free at the cost of a little extra work to setup.