Wary why? I work remotely in IT and manage a ton of Linux systems with it. Because my company has a large number of remote employees they limit us to Windows or Macs only, and have pretty robust MDM, security, etc. installed on them. Since MacOS is built on top of a unix kernel it’s much more intuitive to manage other unix & linux systems with it.
Personally I haven’t used Windows really since before Windows 10 came out, and as the family tech support department I managed to switch my wife, parents, brother, and mother in-law all to Mac’s years ago as well.
I had a few AC Pros in a 110+ year old house where other AP’s had issues with all the plaster & lathe walls. They worked great. I also have a couple of them installed at a non-profit org I volunteer with and everybody is very happy with how they work there as well.
After moving from that first house to a new one with a bigger footprint I upgraded to a pair of their U6 mesh AP’s, one at each end of the house. Never had any issues with them.