Yeah, using the a750 the same.
Can’t wait for next Gen arc with vvc (x266) support.
Yeah, using the a750 the same.
Can’t wait for next Gen arc with vvc (x266) support.
Intel has excellent transcode, even in their igpus.
I use an arc750 specifically for transcode, av1 runs at ludicrous speeds, but don’t do an Nvidia, they kind of suck because they dont support vaapi, only nvenc/nvdec and vdpau.
Yeah, the ryzens are great too.
Full amd will treat you well, I’m running dual xeons and a Radeon pro with an arc 770 just for av1 encode right now.
Next round going full epyc.
Amd knocks Nvidia into a hat on Linux, the drivers are just too incredible.
With the exception of AI, where Nvidia is just plain the gold standard.
Intel is fine, it has exceptional video encoding and works.
Core i3 is fine, celeron can route, but you don’t have as much headroom, or room for firewall rules, etc. Recommend Intel x520 or mellanox cx3 or newer, though the cx2 is perfectly fine.
The bs about bsd being slower is maybe 15 years old at best?
Bsd is a monster for routing.
Run 25gbe routing, still can get by on your 4 core, but I throw some serious xeons at it anyway.
Meh, I like my udm.
I use some of the features, but mostly it just works, and it’s debian under the hood so I just ssh in and unfuck whatever needs unfucking.
It’s vastly closer to a hand-built setup than anything else, and you can spend less time worrying about security.
Ollama, llama3.2, deepcode and a bunch of others.
Using a GPU but man they’re picky, they mostly want Nvidia gpus.
Do NOT be afraid to run on the cpu. It’s slow, but for 1 user it’s actually mostly fine.
Not much, I have services that run both externally and only over wg.
Only issue with wg is sometimes I have to shut it off for things like multicastdns, or otherwise that try to look around the network or wifi.
A world war would involve multiple countries on both sides, dragged in by mutual ties and a recognition of which camp would have it in for them in victory.
This is hilarious. That anyone would stand up for Russia, one of the most hated states on the planet.
China especially, they would watch and wait till Russia was about to fail, and take their eastern territories, giving them both the land and resources they are so desperate for.
Russia is a country without meaningful allies (oh, I’m sorry, I forgot north Korea), in a world that hates them and wants to see them suffer for their past actions.
Poland alone would do anything for the chance to revisit Russia with a fraction of the pain they’ve caused over the centuries, and nobody would dare stop them.
This is inevitable, the Russian decline guarantees their predation and destruction at the hands of their growing neighbors.
Like I said, popcorn futures.
I’m excited for Russia seeing justice.
And a world War?
With Russia and whose army? Because theirs can’t handle Ukraine on their own. Their missiles explode on the launchpad, their submarines sink themselves, their only aircraft carrier has more Russian kills than enemy.
Oh, you honestly think China will save them? That’s absolutely adorable.
That shock therapy? That was their own oligarchs looting Russia wildly, which is why corruption has destroyed the Russian military so completely.
Russia has historically felt their only safety came from the perception by others that they were strong. That perception was utterly shattered by Ukraine, forever.
There is no way this turns out that is not disastrous for Russia, but then again I guess they just call that ‘history’. Personally I’m looking forward to it with anticipation.
Not thirsty for blood, thirsty for justice, as are much of Europe that were victims of Russian imperialism under the name of ‘buffer states’. Now those states are stronger than them and everyone is desperately eager to watch them suffer.
I could make a fortune selling popcorn in eastern Europe.
Russian hatred? We call that ‘being European’.
I think Palestinians have a right to be angry at Israelis, even to the point of potential violence.
Much in the same way I think Russians have long passed a historical threshold for which we should consider whether they are compatible with civilized society.
We gave them a shot after the USSR fell, they didn’t take the opportunity to clean up their act.
So now we’re going back to it, confrontation.
Only this time we’re not 2-3x stronger than them, we’re 10-20x. I like those odds.
Fear, as a fellow Finn, might be a bit strong word, but it’s a definetly a concern.
I mean, if my country suffered through the Winter War, I’d consider that a very rational fear.
I’m sure Jews are pretty nervous around German hyper-nationalists too.
Edgy tweens being edgy.
I just smoked weed and … smoked weed.
I mean, I hate most Russians, but only since they invaded Ukraine.
Russia whines endlessly about ancient wrongs against them, the Finns have a lot to remember about Russia too.
Russophobia is the fear or hatred of Russia or people from Russia.
Ok, seems logical so far.
Linus is Finnish, maybe this is also a lesson: “Don’t brutalize random neighboring countries because in the future they might be in a position to fuck you in the ass.”?
I mean, the Winter War is kind of not a fond memory for them, though everybody loves some Sima Häyhä, one of the most righteous men of the 20th century.
As to sending me a revert patch - please use whatever mush you call brains. I’m Finnish. Did you think I’d be supporting Russian aggression? Apparently it’s not just lack of real news, it’s lack of history knowledge too."
Peska perkele right up your asses, Russian trolls.
So VCN has caught up some, but QS is still faster, generally has better support and better codecs before VCN. Also has combinations, vainfo gives me something like 20 encoders on intel, 8 on amd, mostly stuff like 444 for each variant of hevc, etc. Also my 7600xt was more picky with which settings it would take, the intel block seems fairly comfortable with more.
My Xe has AV1 encode (at ludicrous speeds, I get 30x sometimes, it changed my flow entirely, I stream av1 only now), it’s had hevc well earlier than amd, and overall it’s usually a good bit faster (an intel igpu will usually encode faster than an amd dgpu).
Also quality has been reviewed to be better, feel free to google that, it’s apparently pretty marginal to human observers.
But like I said, the difference is nowhere like it was, AMD is catching up, software is coming together so vaapi covers most cases without complaint.
There’s no reason to consider the difference between them unless encoding is your primary focus, and you’re trying to use very modern codecs.
I like the E and p cores, mostly because I used to do a lot of core architecture for supercomputer chips and this was one of my ideas I wanted to implement, fully heterogenous cores with Linux support for scheduling.
But no, there’s no reason to pick Intel, I only got it because it was cheap, and I don’t use it for gaming.
Google is pushing av1 because of patents, but 266 is just plain better tech, even if it’s harder to encode.
This same shit happened with 265 and vp9, and before that, and before that with vorbis/opus/aac.
They’ll come back because it’s a standard, and has higher quality.
Maybe this is the one time somehow av1 wins out on patents, but I’m encoding av1 and I’m really not impressed, it’s literally just dressed up hevc, maybe a 10% improvement max.
I’ve seen vvc and it’s really flexible, it shifts gears on a dime between high motion and deep detail, which is basically what your brain sees most, while av1 is actually kind of worse than hevc at that to me, it’s sluggish at the shifts, even if it is better overall.