Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks, I’ll check these out the next time this happens.
Thanks, I’ll check these out the next time this happens.
Inter everywhere
These changes look great.
What desktop environment are you using?
Any project can insert any code they want, that’s how software works. The thing about open source projects like Firefox, is if they were to do such a thing, anyone could see it. You’re complaining about Firefox when they haven’t really done anything, and yet browsers like Brave have actually been caught inserting redirects into their links, which is harder to spot because Brave is not open source.
If you really agree this distrusting of Firefox, just don’t use it, or build it yourself.
I’ve heard from many commenters in this thread that Blender and Davinci Resolve play nicer with Nvidia than with AMD when it comes to Linux.
Why should I plan on not using wayland? Is it because of the Nvidia support? I use Fedora normally so I’d have to install x11 after installation as Fedora recently dropped x11 support.
I would be fine with using windows just for Davinci resolve if that makes any difference. Thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks for the information, it’s all very helpful. I’m thinking of just using my laptop as a secondary device when I’m out of the house, so a hard drive upgrade won’t be necessary, but I’ll definitely keep that in mind. As for a distro, I’ll most likely be using Fedora.
Thx for the information!
Thanks so much. I don’t have a budget set yet, but it didn’t occur to me that I can just upgrade if I need higher specs haha, so that’ll make budgeting a lot easier.
Good to know, thanks.
I am applying for university soon so I will still be using it, I also just want more power for running blender and such, but thanks for the information.
Cool, I’ll check out out.
It seems to be no longer updated, but I’ll try it out, it looks cool.
Cool, thanks for the explanation.
I don’t see how this is relevant
Decent write-up, but I don’t really see what this has to do with Google?