Glad to hear! Not that you’d want to send email from a residential IP anyway - if not for your ISP, every email service wouls bounce it anyway.
Calculator Manipulator
Glad to hear! Not that you’d want to send email from a residential IP anyway - if not for your ISP, every email service wouls bounce it anyway.
Normally firewall is on the router. Sensitive environments usually run one on the client as well.
It’s not v6 itself, it’s rather lack of layers of nat that prevent forwarding a v4 for most folks.
Fair enough, I guess. Still, I was dumbstruck by lack of ability to open up a port.
It doesn’t fix it, per se, rather removes the need for layers of hacks such as nat and cg-nat. Every device gets a globally routable IP - no need to forward anything, just open the port you want.
IPv6. My stupid ISP actually shipped their router with all inbound ipv6 blocked with no way to unblock it, so I set up opnsense. Works like a charm!
.dev domains are required to only be reachable via https. You’ve not mentioned that in the post, so I’m guessing port 443 is not serving or even listening.
I’d delete the screenshot with your IP visible. You never know…
Majority of openrc/hardened/selinux
binhost setup is done, need to figure out the small things.
Lemmy was also giving a bit of a headache, fiddled with limits some more.
I’m fairly certain there’s been an attempt to play with some opnsense config, but there was only time to install the updates. Or maybe this was last week 🤔
Whole path has to be accessible, not just the file itself. All dirs above the file need to have the executable bit set that affects the user accessing the file.
Lemmy.cafe checking in
I’ve not read all of it, but if you’re referring to the stuff at the beginning - none of those limitations apply to 5700xt.
If you mean something else - then, naturally, I would ask if it actually affects your media in the first place. It might, but I wouldn’t expect that.
I mean if you’re keeping the GPU - you can just set jellyfin to use VAAPI and utilise the gpu that way.
in case you want to tell me what I have is fine and I don’t need an upgrade
What you have is fine and you don’t need an upgrade 😁
But we’re not looking for fine, are we? :)
I would keep the gpu and get as many cpu cores and ram as my budget allows. Once you cross into “stupid amount of RAM” territory you can start utilising tmpfs for transient things such as jellyfin transcode directory to:
No, comercial IPs are fine. You’ll have trouble with some of them - Digital Ocean is a notorious example - where the provider itself blocks outbound port 25 and there’s nothing you can do. I think DO only does that for new accounts.
I myself am running it on Linode - it did get purchased by Akamai a couple of years ago, so I can no longer blindly recommend it - but so far it’s been working fine. One thing I did recently discover was the ability to request a /56 block on Linode - my pre-assigned IPv6 got blacklisted somewhere as at least the whole /64 and simply generating another IP from the same /64 did not help. Getting a fresh block solved it for me, though, and now I know that if this /56 gets blacklisted - it’s my fault. Unless, of course, I get caught up in a /48… 😳
You won’t be able to host email on a residential IP - all of them are on a permanent blacklist. I understand the money argument - and it’s a real argument - but host your own email is just so cool!
Most of them.
Debian world - apt sucks. For something with a sole purpose of resolving a dependency tree, it’s surprisingly bad at that.
Redhat world - everything is soooo old. I can see why business people like it, buy I rarely, if ever, agree with business people.
Opensuse world - I’ve only tried it once, probably 15 years ago. Didn’t really know my way around computers all that much at the time, but it didn’t click and I’ve left it. Later on I found out about their selling out to Microsoft and never bothered touching it again.
Arch - it was my daily for a year or two. Big fan. It still runs my email. At some point the size of packages started to annoy me, though. Still has the best wiki. I’ve never really bothered with the spinoffs, as the model of Arch makes them useless and more problematic to deal with.
I’ve got the Gentoo bug now. For the first time I genuinely feel ~/
. A lean, mean system of machines :)
Can I be unreasonable? I’m gonna be unreasonable.