One of the people directly involved, who at least somewhat adheres to the agreements. Simply sad that everything but really everything has been corrupted by the Russian troll factory. One of the people directly involved, who at least somewhat adheres to the agreements. Simply sad that everything but really everything has been corrupted by the Russian troll factory.
Criticism may be justified, but without Proton, how far would wine have come? Without Steamdeck + proton, gaming would still be a no-go for linux and absolutely not worth mentioning. So fewer users would have switched to linux.
OK let go back and bring wine forward … Maybe it will be something in 10-20 years ( well for released titles and not future Titels.)
The former developers really want to publish it as OSS. This was ignored and the developers gradually dropped out. Then the management decided “anyway, a former developer had a good PR idea, let’s do it” and there was no one left to check etc. They just released it and started the shit show.
Yep, but I think it’s good for the former dev’s to see what crap the management is making and instead of taking credit, they’re more likely to get a shitstorm.
Just sad for the work of the dev’s.
Statement from dev about the shit show
Ah ok. Haven’t used anything other than ventoy for ages. I may have used drivedroid on the side because you can boot from Android (requires root) and you always have the smartphone with you anyway. But I haven’t used it for ages either.
What is faster about always flashing the required ISO instead of selecting it more quickly in the boot loader?
Selinux on arch linux
I like iptables + opensnitch
NVMe uses SSDs as well as flash memory. NVMe is just the protocol.