Classified Docs to post on my Warthunder Account so I can win a debate.
My pronouns are: 他/他 (pronounced: tā) 😉
(or just He/Him, if you are boring and use English lol)
Classified Docs to post on my Warthunder Account so I can win a debate.
Do they not know LibreOffice exist? What world do they live in lol
So many kids living in poverty that would’ve never been able to afford such content have their days slightly less miserable because of piracy. Its not like the corporations are losing a penny, those kids would never be able to pay for it anyways, not in this world of extreme under-regulated capitalism.
(Also, in a perfect world, there wouldn’t be poverty, and there would be a fair system to reward the actual content creators, not just the corporation that happens to owns the rights to the concept of that particular Movie/TV Show)
Good thing you said that, I was about to send some agents to have a “nice chat” with you.