Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Another thing is paying for new films when you have hundreds of old movies as good as the new ones (or better) for free.

    Yeah, no. Movies made in the past, say, 20 years, are WILDLY different from the ones made 90+ years ago. I’m not talking about technology, image quality or special effects, I’m talking about cinematography (shot composition and camera angles), acting and the kinds of stories that they’re trying to tell. Some stories are classics and timeless, but not all of them are, many are a direct byproduct of the historical context in which they were created, thus serving as interesting glances into the past.

    If all you end up watching are these movies, you will get alienated from the world you actually live in. For instance, I bet there isn’t one of those public domain movies that portrays native americans as anything other than uncivilized, tent-living indians; or any movie that attempts to portray, even somewhat respectfully, the struggles they had to endure against european descended settlers. Movies that don’t shy away from showing some grim, dark realities? Not gonna be in public domain for another couple decades.

  • Just tried, while 4.3 didn’t crash when changing to material preview, it did freeze for a good 10 seconds on the default cube. Closing and doing it again was fast, however. Changing the color of the default material the first time also froze blender for 3 seconds. Fooling around with other material options, such as Subsurface weight, again froze the program, this time for over 20 seconds. Judging from what was shown on the Statistics part I turned on (I never understood why this is off by default), all these freezes are shader compilations, so hopefully they are one time things