Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
See if it runs either Menuet OS or Kolibri OS, they’re about the smallest non-linux OSs I know of.
Another thing is paying for new films when you have hundreds of old movies as good as the new ones (or better) for free.
Yeah, no. Movies made in the past, say, 20 years, are WILDLY different from the ones made 90+ years ago. I’m not talking about technology, image quality or special effects, I’m talking about cinematography (shot composition and camera angles), acting and the kinds of stories that they’re trying to tell. Some stories are classics and timeless, but not all of them are, many are a direct byproduct of the historical context in which they were created, thus serving as interesting glances into the past.
If all you end up watching are these movies, you will get alienated from the world you actually live in. For instance, I bet there isn’t one of those public domain movies that portrays native americans as anything other than uncivilized, tent-living indians; or any movie that attempts to portray, even somewhat respectfully, the struggles they had to endure against european descended settlers. Movies that don’t shy away from showing some grim, dark realities? Not gonna be in public domain for another couple decades.
So you have to use a keyboard with your keyboard…
$145.99 with me, just look at these CU-RAH-ZY savings!!!
No real time AV really hurts here.
Nowadays, simply having a browser with ublockOrigin is enough to have them avoid nearly all of those dangers. Also set the browser to always block notifications, I’ve had 3 different family members asking me to remove a virus, which was just Chrome notifications from sketchy sites showing up nonstop on windows.
For some reason, I cannot git ye shell
. All my attempts to bash
my way through anything fail miserably as well.
This weird Grub on a boot
keeps showing up and blocking my path.
Fuck this game >:(
The biggest hurdle is getting a phone that you even can install a custom ROM or different OS. 'mericans and yuropeans can get their pixels, pinephones and similars easily, other places cannot.
Neocities is already a modern geocities, so there’s that
Just tried, while 4.3 didn’t crash when changing to material preview, it did freeze for a good 10 seconds on the default cube. Closing and doing it again was fast, however. Changing the color of the default material the first time also froze blender for 3 seconds. Fooling around with other material options, such as Subsurface weight, again froze the program, this time for over 20 seconds. Judging from what was shown on the Statistics part I turned on (I never understood why this is off by default), all these freezes are shader compilations, so hopefully they are one time things
I hope 4.3 is stable now, because I had to fallback to 3.6 because of how much 4.2 would crash for no reason. Want to see Material View? Crash. Fooled around for 30 minutes? Crash. Tried to load a stl with over 1m triangles? Crash.
Are you still using the original HDD it came with, or did you change it? I have an old All-in-one, 2012 Celeron with 2GB RAM which was supposed to be my nephew’s first computer, I installed Xubuntu 18 on it, everything works fine, even some online video watching, but dear lord the R/W speeds are atrociously low, which makes starting up any program a small test of patience.
You might be interested in reading the Unix Haters Handbook. I mean, that the command to install a backport so easily allowed you to remove core packages without a… Better warning, is an old complaint
My dummy understanding is that each instance could be considered a “client”, in the sense that they’re always on the lookout for data from other instances whenever the latter generates new content. Either that or, when one connected user checks what’s on a different instance, it downloads to the local cache, ie: if I, from programming.dev, am the first to check this thread, a copy gets saved locally (cache) in the programming.dev server, which might check back on the original source in the case of any edits.