I actually would really prefer for companies to just provide us virtual machines and I can connect to vpn and then to the work hosts. This way I can use my own setup.
I actually would really prefer for companies to just provide us virtual machines and I can connect to vpn and then to the work hosts. This way I can use my own setup.
If you have your older maching around I recomend putting linux on it. You will see how fast it runs on the old hardware and pretty soon you will not be ablet to wait get it on the new hardware.
So I don’t really have experience with the gaming aspect as I pretty much get what I want from a steamdeck. I think its likely you would want to go with one of those (a gaming setup someone else suggests) or dual boot to have your gaming system and your doing other things setup. Just in case I will mention the one I use called zorin. It is based on ubuntu with gnome and its main claim to fame is its an out of the box distro that tries to emulate windows (other systems to but the paid for version unlocks that. its default is a general windows type experience). Out of the box means it has foss office, video file viewing, audio file listening, image file viewer, browser of course, rdp client, mail client, calendar, contacts, also image,video,audio file creation and editing, optical disk copier/image creator, wine with play on linux so that you can right click a windows executable and run it and such. It does non free software things like nvidia drivers right off the bat. Its great for an install and get going right away type of thing. Its always a bit out of date because its emphasis is stable, just works, get going type of thing. I have a few complaints. Mainly it does not have the windows key, right arrow thing to half screen by default. It could be a stability thing that they don’t want to mess with the compiz or whatnot. Then the other thing is I find the software gui interface it have an aweful search for getting more software so either just use apt at the command line or download the .deb installation file which things like various browsers have as a linux option for download and then its really just like adding one to windows or mac. download and run the installation.
I have been trying to actually do something like this using portable virtual box on a usb along with appimages.
long ago redhat had a way of outputing a kickstart file to use to instal on other machines and suse had something similar. no idea what they use for that now though.
oh. I will have to look into it as although I have not added it much of what zorin does is look in feel outside of added packages as its an out of the box distro.
ahh ok I see it now. my control f was not working because it was hardware video acceleration although I swear I just did acceleration and did not seem to find it but I may just have lost the context while looking at the parts. Its clicking now today with the section and trying the configs. thank you I will try them.
no but I use some addons but the only ones I can think of which might effect the top is foxytabs and powertabs. They don’t really change visuals though more oganization.
The only thing I see with hardware acceleration is starting in safe mode. Am I missing something?
Oh. I definately saw it twice per day. That is what got me to post something and find out if other folks see it. Never have it on any other application though. Only firefox and only on linux or maybe specifically gnome but I can’t be sure.
actually that sounds way worse. I never have to close it out and I can always get to it. It just sorta looses its fullscreenness while in fullscreen. Its very odd.
well maybe if he would but like at least whatever he feels like doing can possibly provide value
I mean as long as a license is open source this is sorta a good thing though. If it has enough merit folks will be bound to fork it.
puppy linux. ironically its made to run completely in memory but only needs like 500meg
I recall I had to do like one thing to get it working outside of just apt install but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I just put the error in a web search and found what was needed to deal with it.
works decently enough for me is https://virt-manager.org/ to deal with libvirt. its not quite as nice in some ways but way less resource intensive.
its amazing how nice it is now and makes sense for most people. I should have way before this but it was a thing with my wife. still can’t get her to take the plunge though.
to be fair it does not take much for my fire tv stick to freeze up and crash
Will be interesting to see where this goes. I know I have said it before and they might not think im serious but so help me satan I will read books. Do they want that!
I get annoyed how putting a source in is not consistantly done with many of them. when you follow up and ask for them you generally get them but im going to look that over. I like when the answer looks like a wikipedia article with little number references.