Can someone correct me here.
If I have i2P enabled on my qBittorent client and I start seeding a torrent downloaded from a non-i2P connection.
Does my seed of it allow others to download that torrent through i2P?
He/Him 🏳️🌈 🏴☠️ 🇬🇧
Can someone correct me here.
If I have i2P enabled on my qBittorent client and I start seeding a torrent downloaded from a non-i2P connection.
Does my seed of it allow others to download that torrent through i2P?
qBittorrent! You can even add a search plugin directly in the client.
Was using Deluge before on Windows and for a while when I switched to Linux but started having issues with it.
I still got a torrent from 2005 seeding, with 2 other people.
A VPN is a must have for browsing the internet in the UK these days, our laws and only getting more Orwellian by the day.
By all means do what you must to avoid handing over data to our police-state government.
Leave a text file along with your music including a donation link and thanking people for listening.
I’ve heard more than a handful of artists getting some money that way after putting their own albums up on torrent/file-share sites.
As someone who started using Linux while on Nvidia and stuck with it for over a year before going full AMD.
Just go AMD, so many little things I had to find workarounds for just because of Nvidias shitty drivers.
Even after Nvidia claimed to support wayland I could never get it to run on my install, then having to manually configure my xorg just to get my 170hz monitor working which then introduced graphical issues I just couldn’t fix…NONE of that was an issue the moment I swapped to a RX 7800 XT, didn’t even have to install any drivers they’re just standard in the kernal.
I’d like to think there’s a difference between “keeping up with the times” and chasing whatever new thing gets advertised.
Unless you’re really into number chasing with benchmarks then just keep using whatever you like until something YOU find better comes along.
Also I’m GenZ and just use whatever comes with the DE, it’s not an old person thing shakes fist.
TempleOS is the only OS corpos won’t touch, It’s protected by a holy shield!
Somehow missed your reply until now.
They dropped support on the Linux version forever ago and moved to Easy Anticheat which DOES support being used through Proton but the devs won’t enable it.
For me that game was Rust and it was more ‘Maybe for the best if I don’t touch that game again’
At least my experience on KDE the system theme option barely seems to work for GTK programs.
Even tho I specifically went out of my way to get a dark GTK theme in the system settings.
I play and mod a lot of older games most of which aren’t on Steam, so getting some of them running takes a bit more manual effort especially if they require a 3rd party patch to run on modern hardware.
Normally it’s pretty simple like declaring some extra DLL files, But sometimes I’m jumping through hoops trying to get some old installer than hasn’t been updated since 2009 to run…
I’ve had more success than failures though, Wine is pretty amazing imo.
Modern meaning a GTK app?
The only other DAW I’ve used before Ardour was Reaper and I got my head around Ardours Ui a lot quicker on my first go.
Trying to mount an iso image in the terminal and accidentally un-mounting your root drive.
Totally didn’t do that before…nope not even once, definitely not twice >.>
I dunno if the Hub software works but I do have a Seagate OneTouch portable 4TB drive and it worked without issues on Linux after reformatting like I would any other drive.
Yeah I wasn’t expecting to make most of the money back, But if I can get a bit then it’s still money towards something I will use.
Selling it to try make some money back.
I built this PC before I even thought about switching to Linux.
Too many driver issues, couldn’t get Wayland working despite new drivers supposedly working with it.
Don’t worry I wasn’t planning on sticking my hands into a powered up PC anyway haha.
Welcome to the Club!
I had a similar issue around 2 years ago now on POP where my bootloader didn’t even show up in the bios anymore.
If you still have the a USB with the live boot of POP you can use it to recover your files n stuff.