In Sweden, this was a relic from the time when TVs were a luxury exclusively used by rich people, i.e. when they were first introduced to the market. As TVs successively got cheaper, it became essentially a tax on every household.
In Sweden, this was a relic from the time when TVs were a luxury exclusively used by rich people, i.e. when they were first introduced to the market. As TVs successively got cheaper, it became essentially a tax on every household.
Sweden did something similar for a long time, making every owner of a TV pay a license fee. Then the enforcing body tried to reclassify all computers as TVs, including smartphones, since these could technically access the online streaming version of the state-owned media. A ridiculous interpretation that was ultimately struck down in court.
All this did was cause unnecessary friction, and kept a bunch of really useless people on payroll to collect this fee.
We resolved it in the end by just making it a tax instead, and it’s never been better. Rest in piss, Radiotjänst, nobody ever liked you
Just make it a tax at that point, honestly.