Does that mean you would route your BitTorrent traffic through I2P?
Doesn’t that severely limit peer discovery to only other I2P users, since AFAIK I2P has no exit nodes / clearweb access?
Does that mean you would route your BitTorrent traffic through I2P?
Doesn’t that severely limit peer discovery to only other I2P users, since AFAIK I2P has no exit nodes / clearweb access?
as far as I can tell their CEO is a semi alt right cunt. Apart from that everythin seems pretty okay and the recent shift to nonprofit status is cool
Yeah thats been my issue. It works fine on my unprotected IP. But I don’t have the cash to spend on expensive vpns and the cheap options seem to universally be shlt for port forwarding, ie. seeding
I’m very uneducated about this stuff. How does IPV6 fix that issue?
Laws are made by the ruling classes. So naturally when one of the ruling classes breaks a law, as long as it doesn’t hurt the rest of the ruling class too much, the instance is ignored
impeached yes.
convicted no.
Can someone more informed than me explain what this means and why it matters.
Honestly it’s working fine for me. I torrent shows and movies and I switch between TGX 1337X and TPB, based on offering and I can always find what I need, and download it in a reasonable time.
I’m trying to work on seeding better though, I can’t manage to crack that 0.8 ratio yet.
Yep. Problem is the user is on ios where it is at best a massive pain to torrent and at worst impossible.
There’s a matrix whatsapp bridge??
First check the archive sites.
? its pointless to watch videos without it being tracked to an account and with adds removed?
Unwatched is great on ios.
Looks interesting. But I don’t see what the point is unless you connect to fediverse or can attract a critical mass to keep it self sustaining.
So it’s like a torrent streaming service?
Whats the main difference with Jellyfin?
I wish there was a decentralised way of hosting websites. Kind of like torrents.
Obsidian is decent, but it’s not FOSS, and unless you pay for sync and have a small number of extensions, it really doesn’t work well on phone.
How does the I2P architecture solve the port forwarding issue. Is peer discovery easier within I2P?