One thing that holds people back sometimes is that bash scripts that set environment variables don’t work by default. https://github.com/edc/bass is an easy solution
One thing that holds people back sometimes is that bash scripts that set environment variables don’t work by default. https://github.com/edc/bass is an easy solution
A wild gunnerkrig fan!
There have been plenty of cases of windows messing up boot configuration if dual boot over the years, though it’s pretty rare more recently. The last one was only a few months ago and affected systems using secure boot https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-update-breaks-linux-dual-boot-but-there-is-a-fix-for-some-users/
I never used npp as my code editor but as a secondary program that i kept notes in and would paste text in to manipulate then move back into code editor. It had a rich plugin ecosystem way before that was common. I use Kate for those purposes instead now
They’re useful for templates because the trailing version is resolved later