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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • “Ukraine has a nazi problem” bitch the far right parties got 2% of the vote in the last elections (post-Euromaidan) which isn’t even enough to get a seat in the rada. Compare that to any western nation, even the ones with the smallest far right problem, it’s not even close. Or look at the puppet the ruzzians put in charge of the LPR in 2014, literally a neo-nazi. Hell look at ruzzia and tell me with a straight face it ain’t a fascist regime I dare you. Go on, go tell us how a fascist and terrorist state is somehow sending units like Rusich to denazify a democratic nation whose president is a totally nazi jewish guy (whose first language was Russian) from the Donbas (and who was criticized because he wanted to make a peace deal with Russia before 2022) and the population is all nazis but somehow never vote nazis and someohow even have museums to anarchists (actually, had, because the ruzzians recently burned it) or antifascists.

    You whine people say you’re a ruzzian bot and then you literally act like one, nay worse you act like a privileged westerner, posting decontextualized and misleading headlines. Sometimes it’s even just citing some literal propaganda outlets and calling it a fact and reason why Ukraine is somehow the warmongering nation, as opposed to you know the one who actually sent troops to annex parts if Ukraine after the Ukrainians kicked their corrupt puppet oligarch.

    Fucking imperialist justificatuinist and tankie trash is what you are, сука.

  • that’s because you can’t have both. It’ arch or it’s very stable. Granted Arch by itself is not that unstable if you manage it well and know what you’re doing but we’re talking hardly ever having to troubleshoot something.

    Manjaro doesn’t acieve any more stability than Arch, and in fact is actually worse than arch.

    Debian testing is a rolling.

    Manjaro is an arch derivative and has the bad parts of arch still. Again, why recommend manjaro when you have better alternatives that actually achieve what manjaro sets itself out to be? Fedora had KDE plasma 6 sooner than Manjaro afaik and it managed to be stable, it is a semi-rolling with up to date yet stable packages etc, same for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. Manjaro has no purpose, it’s half-assed at being arch and it’s half-assed at being stable.

    AUR isn’t a problem in Manjaro because of lack of support, it’s a problem because packages there are made with Arch and 99.999% of its derivatives in mind, aka latest packages not one week old still-broken packages. Also Manjaro literally accidentally DDoSes the AUR every now and then because again they’re incompetent.

    And if you’re going to be using Flatpaks then all the more reason to not bother using Manjaro or any arch derivative and just use an actually stable distro with flatpaks.

  • to be honest it’s actually not that hard depending on what you do with your PC. If you want something you can set up once and forget about NixOS is perfect, put auto-updates and the stable channel and you will be able to forget about it for months, only having to occasionally edit your config file to switch to a new release. In fact I’d argue that if they manage to get a GUI package manager, and auto-update + auto-clean setup on installation, they’d probably be one of the best noob-friendly distros out there even.

    The issue is that they sometimes tend to do big changes to how things are handled, documentation is sorely lacking and if you’re a tinkerer (especially if you like ricing) you may have a harder time than regular distros. That said the convenience of having a list of all the programs you use in a single file is amazing and I hope every package manager adopts a similar declarative way of installing software.

  • or you could use a distro made by competent people and that actually serves the purpose Manjaro claims to have.

    You really shouldn’t go for Arch & derivatives if you don’t want to fiddle with your system (the whole point of Arch & co) and really want stability (not that arch is that unstable tbh as long as you manage it proprely). Manjaro included. In fact especially manjaro since it manages to be less stable than Arch specifically because of their update policy. I mean why even be on Arch if you can’t use the AUR and have the latest packages?

    Aside from this and maybe a few others there isn’t really a wrong distro to choose, better alternatives would be NixOS (stable), Fedora, Debian testing and probably several other distros that you probably should avoid for being one-man projects or stuff.