If you’re releasing in a format that supports tagging, there’s usually either a comment field or custom field that you could put this into in as well.
If you’re releasing in a format that supports tagging, there’s usually either a comment field or custom field that you could put this into in as well.
I’ve not tested it myself, but YACReader alleges to support PDFs, and it’s got very good support for prev/next since it’s a comic reader.
Warning: I’m not sufficiently familiar with jdownloader to offer this explanation with any certainty, but…
If you’re using it to rip streamed content, is it possible that instead of ripping the stream directly it screen records and re-encodes it itself in order to bypass end-to-end security features?
I’m not saying that’s the case here, just that it’s a plausible explanation.
I use pairdrop. I don’t personally self host it, but that option is available. It’s better suited to more one-off situations, as there’s no history kept anywhere.
Selfhost: https://github.com/schlagmichdoch/pairdrop
Open instance: pairdrop.net
Bold of you to post this without an /s. I respect the decision.
It plays again, but louder.
Instructions unclear, accidentally deleted 200 EB of irrecoverable NASA data.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If buying isn’t owning, then pirating can’t be stealing.
Yep, pretty much.
If you watch to the end, the reason she can’t get to her online classes was because her ISP’s configuration CD was windows only.
So if we’re looking to find fault, it’s partly Dell for insisting everything would just work, partly Verizon for not having a good Linux process, and partly her for not just calling her ISP for tech support.
It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realise this was satire. Pretty good read, TBH.
Yep. And just to be a little more precise, since the distinction is a bit subtle: an emulator typically involves translating byte code so that you can run a binary on different hardware. A compatibility layer translates OS calls so that a binary can run on different software.
In the latter case, the binary still runs, as is, directly on the CPU because it’s compiled for the same instruction set architecture (x86_64, in this case).
So many settings I changed, applications I installed, configured and forgot about.
Yeah this gives me existential dread as well. This is why my next distro will probably be NixOs. Their distro’s philosophy is designed off of a configuration based environment.
That hypothetically solves all those problems, although I’m sure it adds some new ones of its own.
Personally, my last holdout on my desktop is VR, and I’d rather not dual boot.
My laptop has been running Linux for years now, although I’ve been having some issues with it lately, possibly due to repeated in-place upgrades, so I’ve been thinking of switching away from mint to a rolling release distro. Although, I have to say, NixOS’s philosophy is really compelling.
deleted by creator
Honestly, in a managed environment, there’s not really much learning to do. All the hard part of learning Linux is dealing with system issues, or when shit breaks. In corporate land, you’ve got IT staff for that.
The biggest hurdle would be learning libre office, but considering the average white collar level of mastery of MS office is pretty poor, the basics really aren’t that different in LO.
No, the Linux community is dimensionless. Physical objects cannot fit within it.
Hope this helps.
Oh, maybe. Is that how it works?
Apparently it was against the rules of that community and I was banned.
Sounds like they’ve done you a favour. Now you don’t have to see their random hater circlejerk community again.
Yeah, I just recently upgraded from a first gen i7. The performance gain is substantial, but less necessary than you’d think. I’d probably have kept going with my trusty i920 a bit longer if it wasn’t for lack of AVX.
Just a heads up, if you want that to be more readable, put it in between two sets of 3 backticks (```):
System: Kernel: 6.8.0-53-generic arch: x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 13.3.0 Desktop: Cinnamon v: 6.4.6 tk: GTK v: 3.24.41 wm: Muffin dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 22.1 Xia base: Ubuntu 24.04 noble