Sadly the only decent alternative is slowly going downhill
Sadly the only decent alternative is slowly going downhill
Recent Python 3.13 update broke the ProtonVPN client
Which variant of it, if I may?
I really hope Proton 10 will have some sort of Wayland support, even if it would be hidden behind an environmental variable
I mean there is an overlap between Linux users and those who play card games
Decked out? Cranked?
KDE Plasma Wayland, I’m using it for gaming mainly and occasionally for VR.
It’s possible your screens electrically disconnect themselves when going to sleep, which makes Plasma refresh its desktop layout, causing flickering.
My Asus screen does this when powered off but not in standby. That used to crash Plasma Wayland back in 5.24 lol
Uninstalling Xwayland breaks it, you’re greeted to a black background and your mouse pointer.
Additionally, as per their own website, it says “The workspaces have been developed for X11 and much functionality relies on X11. To be able to make proper use of Wayland these bits have to be rewritten.”
KWin is just a composer though. Plasma as a desktop environment still relies on XWayland
OnlyOffice exists on Flatpak too